We meet de-yassified Draco Malfoy

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Annabeth and the others walked through the gap formed in the crowd and paused at one edge of the circle.

Reyna's eyes flickered to Jason as whispering broke out amongst the campers to see their old praetor, some staring at him in awe.

Annabeth's eyes were fixed on Percy as he cast her a small smile.

I glanced at Piper who was also studying the pair with a nervous smile. I inched out of the way slightly so I was closer to Leo and Piper. "Should I be worried?" I whispered to Piper.

"I don't think she's going to do anything, right?" Piper whispered. I shrugged.

Reyna took a step towards Annabeth and the two girls considered each other. Reyna turned towards Jason and I watched as Annabeth's eyes immediately snapped back to Percy.

Reyna straightened. "Jason Grace, my former colleague..." She spoke the word colleague as if it was a dangerous thing. "I welcome you home. And these, your friends-"

Suddenly, Annabeth surged forwards and at the same time Percy rushed towards her. The Romans tensed, some reached for swords that weren't there.

Percy wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

I slapped a hand over my eyes. "Come on, guys! You know I love you but there are kids here!" I gestured to myself.

Leo snorted beside me. "You've survived with Jason and Piper this long, surely you're used to it by now." He muttered.

Piper nudged me and I looked up to see Percy studying Annabeth's face. "Gods, I never thought-"

Annabeth grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her shoulder. He slammed into the paving stones. I winced.

Romans cried out. Some surged forward but Reyna shouted, "Hold! Stand down!"

Annabeth put her knee on Percy's chest and glared down at him.

I jogged over to her and peered over her shoulder at him.

"If you ever leave me again." She said. "I swear to all the gods-"

Percy laughed. "Consider me warned. I missed you too."

Annabeth rose and helped him to his feet. I tapped Annabeth's shoulder, she glanced at me wiping her eyes.

"Okay, nice touch judo-flipping him but I called dibs on hitting him first." I crossed my arms. Percy gaped at me.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow. "I didn't hit him. You can still hit him first."

I tilted my head and turned to Percy slowly. He took a small step back with a nervous smile. "Anwen... your punches hurt. We can talk about this?"

I cracked my knuckles. "Or?"

Percy took another step back. "Wise girl?" He asked, glancing at Annabeth.

She shrugged. "Just get it over with." Percy sighed.

I grinned. "You can choose where I punch you?"

Percy raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't make me feel better about this."

I shrugged. "I'll pick then."

I raised my fist and swung at his face. He flinched but I paused right before hitting him. I smirked. "Gotcha." I muttered, swinging my knee up to hit him between the legs.

Percy groaned and Annabeth caught him as he fell towards her. She shot me a wink and I grinned. Good job. She mouthed.

"I feel like that was unnecessary." Percy huffed.

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