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" Are you sure he's your grandpa?"

A deep frown appeared on your face, hearing his words. You blinked multiple times to digest his words but failed miserably. Shock washed over you, followed by a wave of disbelief. Your mind struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what you had just heard.

 What the hell he's saying?

 The man you had always known as your grandfather, the one who had lovingly guided you through life, was not your true blood relation.

" You think I'll believe you anymore" you said with a straight face while Jack chuckled at your words as he knows that you won't believe him anymore after knowing his real face. 

"Oh, Amor, it seems you've been living in a fantasy all these years. That man you believed to be your grandfather... He's not." Jack smirk widened, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and malice. 

Confusion and anger welled up inside you, mingling with a profound sense of betrayal. You felt a knot forming in your stomach, as if your entire identity had been called into question. While Jack's smirk only intensified your emotions, fueling your frustration. 

He walked towards the sofa before settling himself on it, while you stood there in shock yet not decided to take his words seriously but still an unknown fear was swirling inside you and said with the quivering words 

  "No, that can't be true..He raised me, cared for me... How could you say such a thing?" 

Jack leaned back, his smirk never fading. "Ah, but that's the beauty of it, isn't it? The perfect facade, the carefully constructed lie. Your true lineage has been hidden from you all this time."

Anger flared within you as he again started with his puzzle words, "Why? Why would he do this? What purpose does it serve to him?" your voice laced with frustration.

Ignoring your desperate questions, jack chuckled at your miserable, trembling state. 

Your heart pounding inside your chest and anxiously stepped a little closer to him, pouring holes with your bloodshot orbs, you shouted " ANSWER ME" 

" Woah..easy " he mocked you, raising his hands up in the air before getting up from the sofa, he stood infront of you with a cruel grin and said " instead of asking me that question, You should ask me about your real lineage" 

He scoffed mocking you while you close your eyes in frustration, and anger. Your hands turned into fist before glaring at him while he chuckled looking at you and said 

"I know you're too desperate to know the truth and I'll tell you everything..but let me complete my important deal first. "

You frown at him while Jack turned to laura and smirked at her before stepping closer, he grabs her by wrist, and said "comeon little sister, your master is waiting for you." 

Laura shook her head and struggled to release herself before looking at you in hope that you will do something 

and you did. 

You gritted your teeth in disgust and took a step forward in anger when jack started dragged her out of the room. You stood infront of them and protested

 " leave her" 

Jack rolled his eyes and jerked her hand away before gripping your arm he moved you away from the way and asked his mother, Mrs Wang to call the person to whom he wants to sell laura.

You struggled hard in his grip while he said with amusement " look Amor..an another shock is on his way for you" 

You blinked multiple times before turning your gaze to the entrance, your eyes widened looking at the person who just entered the room and mumbled

Devil's Mate [jjk ff]Where stories live. Discover now