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Stepping inside my personal garden, with my calming features, i walked towards the gazebo where I met Jackson yesterday. Yesterday, i was hella worried about him what if the guards caught him while talking to me. Then jungkook would have killed him by this time.

For sure.

But nothing happened like that. And the only question revolves in mind from yesterday that where he suddenly disappeared, he must have seen the guards coming in our way. 

Yeah..he might be.

I shrugged my all thoughts and took a step forward to sit on the little chair before embracing the beautiful fragrance of flowers and nature's real beauty.

So calm, peaceful and serene.

I inhaled deeply with my closed eyes and a soft smile appeared on my lips. I crossed my legs and stretched out my arm to keep my phone aside. But my eyes narrowed in daze seeing a small white envelope rested beside me on the chair. 

Dropping my phone, i picked up the envelope and grazed it with my brown eyes, only to find nothing was written on it. I thought it might belong to some other visitors but No.....
no one is allowed to enter the garden because it's my personal property. 

After fighting with my own thoughts, i decided to open the letter, only to find a small card with a short letter in it.

" If you're ready to help me then give me a call on this number... Amor"

I read the letter and it was from Jackson. 

I forgot that i didn't said anything to him yesterday whether I'm ready to help him or not. But in my mind, i already decided to help him. Jackson is a nice man and whatever jungkook is doing was all wrong. 

He should not force or to captivate his sister in his mansion, in the name of revenge.

And he should acknowledge the sin of his sister Jeon sara too. She was playing with lots of innocent people' lives and why he was seeking revenge from Jackson when he already killed his own sister with his own Mafia bloody hands.

Why does he want to kill Jackson?

If jungkook really finds Jackson as his enemy then why he held Laura as a captive in his mansion and made her his mistress. I never seen him forcing her or to anything else. In fact, she was living her best life in the mansion. I saw no trace of feeling stressed or worried about her life or a little glimpse of squirm on her face. She's fine absolutely fine with her circumstances. 

Then why Jackson asked me to save his sister from jungkook?

Is she really innocent or maybe she likes being with Jungkook. 


She likes being his mistress.

Should I judge her character.....I asked myself.

Offcourse you should...my inner self replied me.

She snatch your husband, living in your mansion and soon she will gonna take over your position. She may be the sister of a nice and kind  person like Jackson but it is not necessary that she be as good as him. You have seen everything, how your husband was supporting her. Instead of choosing you, he chose her and made you feel like a stranger. While you are his wife. You have a right on him but she is trying to take over.

On everything.

I sighed as i was engulfed with my own thoughts. Don't know what to do or what not to.

I stood up from the chair before placing back the envelope beside my phone, i walked towards the wooden pole and leaned on it before looking far from my sight, I switch my thoughts to the last night when jungkook apologize to me and a shy smile appeared on my lips while my crimson cheeks flushed badly.

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