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Monsters- Ruelle

Y/n's POV.

It's the morning after and I'm thankful for my genetics because I don't have a hangover, my family has never suffered from that so that's one less thing I have to worry about today.

I got out of bed in my black pajamas and headed to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and I don't look as bad as I thought, nothing that makeup can't fix.

I did my morning routine, of course my outfit today would be black, I decided to leave my hair down, I just like it that way.

I did my makeup, I took my fifth look in the mirror and yes, I definitely like the way I look, I'm feeling good.

Today is a new day, today is a new day to start my plan, I will take what is mine once and for all, whether they like it or not

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Today is a new day, today is a new day to start my plan, I will take what is mine once and for all, whether they like it or not.

I went up to the dining room where everyone was already waiting for me except Elizabeth and Tyler, am I surprised? Of course not, their little actions will change after today and I will make sure of that.

I sat at the head of the table as usual, on my left side was Bella and on the right side was an empty seat which was going to be Elizabeth's once she walked through that door.

The others sat as they pleased at the table, the food began to be placed on the table by the maids as Elizabeth entered the dining room, she saw the empty seat next to me and with her eyes scanned the whole place looking for another empty seat which was located next to my father away from me, in fact at the other head of the table.

She knew that seat was Tyler's and I'm pretty sure she cursed me out when she saw the smirk I had on my lips at the sight of her frustration.

She walked over to me and sat down next to me

"Good morning Elizabeth, how are you?" I said once she started breakfast.
"I was fine until a few seconds ago" she replied coldly making me giggle.
"Oh someone is grumpy today, I like that" I said winking at her.

I started eating until I saw Tyler walk through the dining room door with a smile on his lips that I wanted to make disappear and I was gladly going to.

He was about to sit down next to dad when I interrupted him causing everyone's attention to land on me.

"Oh Tyler dear, I think there has been a mix up here" I said taking my mimosa and took a sip.
"What do you mean?" He says confused and everyone looked at me in the same confused manner.

I was sitting relaxed, my legs crossed one on top of the other while my back was leaning back against the back of the seat.

"You don't deserve to be sitting at our table, I think my father confused business with kindness but you, my dear, you only work for us, so from today you will be having breakfast in the dining room with the other employees" I said smirking.

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