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Nightcrawler (instrumental) Travis Scott ft. Swae Lee.

Lizzie's POV.

So I heard there was a party tonight, what is the reason for the celebration? I don't know yet, the only thing I know is that it is strange that there is going to be a party in the circumstances in which this mafia is at the moment.

Damon was the one in charge of letting me know there was a party tonight and giving me the dress I will wear, he wasn't very specific about anything and when I asked him the reason for the celebration he just smirked, turned around in his shoes and left my room.

No one in the palace knew exactly what the party was about which was strange, I asked the maids and security but no one gave me an answer.

I even asked Elena and Tyler but they didn't know anything either, speaking of Tyler it's cool what's going on between us, I mean he helps me get my mind thinking about something other than Y/n.

So right now I'm getting ready for the party, tonight there is no dress code which is cool, I can't deny I'm excited for this party, lately there has been a lot of stress and anxiety with everything going on out there, so a party is perfect for us all to relax and the vibes to calm down a bit in here.

I put on my green dress and did my light makeup, I decided to get a nice hairdo for the occasion.

I put on my green dress and did my light makeup, I decided to get a nice hairdo for the occasion

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I went up to the party meeting Elena and Tyler.

"Hi guys" I said excitedly.
"Hi Lizzie you look gorgeous" Elena says.
"Thanks you too" I replied.

"Wow Lizzie you look amazing" Tyler says before leaving a kiss on my cheek.

Elena gave me an accomplice look making me laugh a little, the three of us were at the bar as we watched the others dance and get drunk.

The music playing was good, I watched the Salvatore brothers dance and have a good time, their parents were also present looking elegant as always.

Third person POV

Thousands of feet above the sky stood Y/n with Bella and Alejandro in the private yet of the mafia heiress.

Her mind couldn't get rid of the fact that Tyler and Elizabeth were together, that Alejandro found them kissing.

She wanted to kill Tyler, wanted to make him suffer as much as she was suffering right now.

She knew Tyler, she knew him better than anyone else in that palace, she knew how he played so he could get into the pants of whoever he wanted, she knew he didn't really love Elizabeth, he would just use her until he got what he wanted from her.

She radiated anger, her face felt hot as did her hands, her chest burned. She couldn't wait to get in front of him and end his insignificant life.

"Hey you look lost in thought, are you okay?" Bella asks her.
"Yeah, everything's fine" Y/n replies.

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