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I found myself in a whirlwind of confusion as Dean, my partner, suddenly sprang the idea of marriage upon me. His enthusiasm was palpable as he took my hand and led me outside, where the rest of our friends and family were gathered.

My heart raced with anticipation and uncertainty as we stepped into the meticulously arranged outdoor venue. The setting was undeniably beautiful, adorned with flowers and soft candlelight, but my mind struggled to process the sudden turn of events. The people standing around

This is weird

This is really weird

Dean's voice broke through my reverie, his words carrying a mixture of excitement and determination. "I love you more than anything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

The question hung in the air, filling me with a sense of unease. I had never envisioned myself getting married, and the idea of such a significant commitment left me feeling overwhelmed.

As I searched Dean's eyes for answers, I found only anticipation and hope. His confidence wavered slightly as he awaited my response, but the expectant gazes of our loved ones only added to the pressure.

Caught off guard by the suddenness of the proposal, I struggled to find the right words. My mind raced with doubts and questions, but the weight of Dean's gaze urged me to make a decision.

In that poignant moment, I came to the stark realization that I couldn't provide him with the answer he so eagerly sought. Despite the picturesque surroundings and the depth of his emotions, I simply wasn't prepared to take such a monumental leap.

With a heavy heart, I gently shook my head, my voice barely audible above a whisper. "I'm sorry, Dean. I can't go through with this."

The disappointment in his eyes was tangible as he processed my words, but I knew deep down that I had to remain true to myself, even if it meant causing him pain in the process.

"Why?" he inquired, his expression a mixture of confusion and hurt.

"Perhaps because I'm still trying to comprehend what's happening," I admitted, my uncertainty weighing heavily on me.

"We're getting married. Isn't it beautiful?" he exclaimed, his smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Do I even have a say in this?" I questioned, feeling a sense of unease creeping over me.

"Nope," he responded, a hint of jest in his tone, as I found myself standing on the podium, surrounded by curious onlookers.

"Why are we even getting married?" I pressed, seeking clarity amidst the chaos.

"Because..." he trailed off, his grin widening, leaving me to face the intense scrutiny of the gathered crowd.

The officiant, or whoever Dean had enlisted to orchestrate this unexpected spectacle, glanced back at us. "Speak now or forever hold your peace," he announced.

"Yeah, still a no from me," I declared, eliciting laughter from Dean and a handful of others in the peculiar assembly.

"You may now kiss the bride," the officiant proclaimed, prompting Dean to pull me towards the white cake with an impish gleam in his eyes.

"Are you planning to do that cake-smashing thing?" I inquired warily.

"No, never. I wouldn't dare mar your lovely face," he reassured me as he cut a slice of cake and offered it to me.

"Wow, this is delicious," I remarked, savoring the sweetness on my tongue.

"I know. I added something truly special, just for you," he divulged with a mischievous grin.

My suspicions pricked at me. Did he lace this cake?

"Extend your hand," he instructed, placing a ring on my finger.

"Wait... this looks familiar," I observed, recognizing my mother's ring.

"I anticipated your thoughts. I designed it to resemble a fusion of my mother's ring and yours," he explained, attempting to assuage my concerns.

"Fine," I acquiesced, though a swarm of apprehension buzzed within my stomach.

The remainder of the evening unfolded without incident, yet an unsettling sense of disquiet lingered, casting a shadow over what should have been a joyous occasion.

Entrapped hearts  [Yandere Cult X Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz