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After that revealing conversation with Dean, I now know two things:

Why he's like this.

That we are two sides of the same coin.

I understand him more now, I think. But every time I think of him, I can't help but feel that strange thing in my stomach.

We walk back to the house, and I decide to grab something to drink.

"Tonight, you're gonna sleep in my room," he declares.

"Fine with me," I mutter.

I walk to the fridge and look through it, not realizing Dean is standing right behind me.

"No, come with me," he insisted, gently pulling me away, leading me toward his room—the room that has become a strangely intimate part of my recent days. With a tender touch, he placed me on his bed.

"I can do it myself," I protested.

"No, no, no, let me," he insisted, his voice soft as he removed my old shoes. "I think you need to relax for today."

And, strangely, he was right.

As I reclined on the bed, contemplating the day's revelations, I mused, "I think I'll take a shower and change later."

"It's so late; just eat and go to sleep," he suggested.

"I'm not hungry."

I heard his footsteps retreat, only to return with a glass of wine. "Here, this will help you ease your mind."

I take it and drink it slowly. He lays down beside me. I don't really know when I fell asleep, but I wake up to a voice, an angry voice.

"You are still talking about old traditions as if we still live by those rules."

I know that voice;

it's Dean's voice.

His voice, laden with an unmistakable venom, sliced through the air like a razor. Each word carried a weight of resentment and suppressed anger, echoing the deep-rooted animosity that Dean harbored. It wasn't just a voice; it was a manifestation of years of pain and a twisted sense of authority.

"But you must; your father—"

"One more thing about my father, and your bed will be beneath the garden," Dean replies, cutting the other person off. His voice is low, but the threat is loud and clear. "And if you wake her up talking about this nonsense..."

I lay still, feigning sleep, my senses alert to every word exchanged in the dimly lit room. The conversation's end was abrupt, followed by a startling bang, a sound that resonated like a suppressed explosion. My muscles tensed involuntarily, and I fought the urge to flinch.

"I hope you learn from this; next time I won't be so kind," he says. I hear feet scuffling and a muttered sorry.

The door creaks back open as I hear someone go into the closet and then come out, laying beside me.

I know it's Dean.

I feel him hold me as he's breathing deeply, shaking. I can't help but flinch when I feel his cold hands on me, as if they've been in a freezer all night.

"Baby, are you awake?" he whispers.


"Your hands are cold," I groan out, trying to sound like I just woke up.

"I'm sorry, baby; I was taking care of something," he says as he pulls his hands off of me.

I slowly open my eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's four in the morning; go back to sleep."

I drift back into slumber, only to be roused by Dean's gentle shaking.

"Wake up, baby," he murmurs.

I slowly open my eyes, finding myself enveloped in Dean's embrace. Glancing down, I notice his knuckles stained with red.

"Are you okay?" I inquire.

He chuckles, "Aww, my baby is concerned about me. I'm fine; I just had to deal with something."

He guides me out of bed and leads me outdoors. "Where are we going?"

"We are going to a home away from home, a little place where I know you'll love the snow."

How did he know that?


"Don't worry, Amelia is going to be there and a few others"

I don't have a good feeling about this

He signals to someone, and a car is brought around to the front of the building. Gently, he nudges me inside, taking a seat beside me.

I notice the child lock is engaged. 


The engine revs to life as someone in the front starts the car, and we drive off. I stare out of the window, feeling consumed by thoughts.

How long have I been here?

Why am I here?

I felt dean pull me close in an attempt to calm my beating heart, I fought the urge to say what I heard last night.

Who did he hit?

Why did he do it?

"You're so anxious..." he mumbles, as he places a soft kiss on my temple.

I fell asleep against him, when I opened my eyes I saw we were in a winter wonderland. The night air was crisp, carrying with it the subtle scent of pine from the surrounding trees.

The moonlight painted a silver glow on the landscape, creating a serene ambiance. As we walked, I couldn't help but notice the rustling leaves underfoot and the distant hooting of an owl.

Dean led me to a cozy cabin nestled in the heart of the woods. Its warm lights spilled out onto the snow, creating a welcoming glow. The air was colder here, but the warmth emanating from the cabin promised a haven from the chill.

As we stepped inside, the scent of burning wood enveloped us. A crackling fireplace cast dancing shadows on the walls. The cabin was adorned with rustic furniture, and a plush rug lay in front of the hearth.



k so my computer is acting up rn so everything is gonna be slower so if you see a miskate, no you didn't

also, I'm adding in new characters so let me know if you guys want back stories

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