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I stared down at my phone in shock as she told the story, but then Sandy came in


I got a good one

Told to me by my dad


(Nathan POV)

On a cool summer day in 1985, the sun's rays filtered through the leaves as we rattled along in the back of the rusted van. The scent of pine and earth wafted through the open windows, mingling with the excitement in the air.

"Where are we even going?" I asked, my gaze fixed on the dense woods passing by in a blur.

"I don't know, man. My uncle works up here and said he can hook us up with some quick cash for doing some work," replied the driver, his eyes focused on the winding road ahead.

Quick cash? The words hung in the air, igniting a sense of adventure and curiosity within me. As we journeyed deeper into the unknown, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited us at our destination.

We finally arrived at this strange-looking community, surrounded mainly by cornfields. A shiver ran down my spine as an eerie feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, urging me to flee until my legs couldn't carry me any further.

"No, it's just nerves," I reassured myself, trying to push aside the unsettling sensation.

The two guys hopped out of the van, and I followed behind them, taking in the peculiar scenery. They approached a large, imposing figure, engaged in conversation while I surveyed the surroundings. Despite the odd vibes, the shops appeared well-maintained, albeit with a hint of age.

The older man gestured towards a building, and we made our way there. "Look, my uncle may be a bit eccentric, but it's a good gig," one of the guys assured me. "Just some babysitting a few kids, and then we'll be swimming in cash."

"How much?" I inquired as we stepped into the building, admiring the cute daycare adorned with hand-painted animals on the walls.

I mentally kicked myself for not bringing my camera along for this unexpected adventure.

"About fifty a day," he replied casually, causing my neck to snap towards him in astonishment.

"Fifty?" I echoed, incredulous at the amount.

"Yup," he confirmed, leading the way as we ventured further into the building. I followed behind the two, maintaining a cautious distance as we entered what appeared to be a colorful classroom designed for children.

"Nathan, you'll be here," the man declared in a commanding tone, pointing towards a designated area. "My cousin will come around and tell you what you need to do." With a nod, I watched as they departed, leaving me alone in the whimsical classroom.

Taking in my surroundings, I couldn't help but find the small, multi-colored classroom charming. Suddenly, the sound of heavy footsteps echoing down the hallway caught my attention.

"What are you doing here?" a voice barked, sending a jolt of fear coursing through me. I turned to see a short figure, rifle in hand, her gaze fixed on me with unwavering determination. 

Despite her petite stature, the intensity in her eyes made it clear that she meant business, her finger poised dangerously close to the trigger.

"I'm here to babysit. The two guys I was following, I'm with them," I explained, attempting to maintain a calm demeanor despite the tension in the air.

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