The Boy

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Dean worked quietly on his computer as I got up and walked into the kitchen. The rhythmic tapping of keys suddenly ceased, creating an eerie silence. I opened the fridge, the cool air escaping as I reached for a bottle of water.

To no one's surprise, Dean was standing right behind me, his presence making the room feel smaller.

"Are you hungry, Darling?" he inquired, his voice smooth and composed.

"Kinda, I was just gonna make—" I started to say, but he cut me off with a dismissive gesture.

"No, I'll make something. Just go sit down. Also, I got you a gift," he revealed with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

"A gift?" I responded, a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. He smirked, a subtle yet unsettling expression, as he proceeded to retrieve ingredients from the freezer and took out a pan, his movements deliberate and calculated.

"Yeah, Darling, I'll give it to you later," he said, his tone carrying a hint of mystery, accompanied by a playful wink that left me both intrigued and perplexed.

After dinner, I indulged in a soothing shower and settled into the bedroom. Without warning, Dean entered, shirtless. The dim light accentuated the contours of his physique, casting intriguing shadows. Droplets of water glistened on his skin, evidence of a recent shower. His presence added a subtle yet palpable warmth to the room, creating an intimate atmosphere that lingered in the air.

"Here you go, Darling," he declared, presenting me with a phone—almost identical to the one I had lost but evidently upgraded.

"What the..." I muttered, taking the phone from his grasp. Upon turning it on, I found all my old photos and memories meticulously restored.

So, that's how he found out so much about me.

As I explored the device, I opened my notes app, revealing a plethora of my old notes. It became clear that Dean had delved deep into my personal thoughts.

"You know, something about seeing you with those boys made me realize something. You need a way to contact me if something happened," he explained casually.

"Uh, what?" I responded, a mix of confusion and curiosity painting my expression. The room held a lingering air of revelation and intrigue.

"I also added you to a group chat with your new little friends," Dean casually mentioned.

Yeah, something definitely is off.

I opened contacts to see:

"My husband" – not even slightly surprising.





But then there was a name I didn't recognize, someone named "Alex." The unfamiliar addition sparked a sense of unease as I wondered who this Alex was and what connection they might have to the peculiar circumstances unfolding.

I opened the group chat, as Dean sat down and started back working




So did everyone's S/O just randomly

give them a phone

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