Missing Things

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After that extremely strange encounter, I tried to push it to the back of my mind and continue with the day's activities. 

However, the next morning, I found myself in a predicament. The people who had taken our belongings up to the room must have left something important in the car—my (F/S), which I needed for the yoga session. I frantically searched the room, turning it upside down in hopes of finding the keys.

Feeling a growing sense of frustration, I decided to seek help from Amelia. She always seemed to have a knack for finding things or at least offering a fresh perspective.

"Hey, Amelia, have you seen the car keys anywhere?" I asked, my voice laced with a hint of desperation.

Amelia looked up from her book, her brow furrowing in thought. "Yeah, they should be in the nightstand," she replied, pointing in its direction.

Relief washed over me as I hurriedly made my way towards the nightstand. I opened its drawer and rummaged through its contents, my fingers brushing against various items. But as I reached deeper into the drawer, my heart sank. 

The car keys were nowhere to be found.

"They're not here," I muttered, my voice filled with disappointment. "I must have missed them."

Amelia's face turned from confusion to concern. "Are you sure? They should be there," she replied, joining me in my futile search.

"Oh well," Amelia replied, a perplexed expression on her face as she tried to make sense of the situation.

I was about to suggest going to the car to check for the keys myself when the old woman suddenly appeared in our view. Her presence caught me off guard.

"Why do you need to go to your car? Do you not like it here?" she inquired, her tone carrying a hint of suspicion.

I exchanged a puzzled glance with Amelia, feeling a knot of unease tighten in my stomach. It seemed strange that the old woman would take an interest in my intentions to retrieve the car keys.

"It's just that... I left something important in the car, and I need to retrieve it," I replied cautiously, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

The old woman's gaze seemed to linger on me for a moment longer than necessary before she finally spoke again, her tone taking on a softer, almost conspiratorial tone.

"You know, sometimes we find that what we need is right here, within these walls. Perhaps it's an opportunity for you to let go of the outside world and fully embrace this retreat," she suggested, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Her words sent a chill down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. Something about her response and the way she emphasized "letting go" struck me as unsettling.

"I understand," I replied, forcing a polite smile. "But there are some personal belongings in the car that I really need. Is there any way I can retrieve them?"

The old woman's smile wavered for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly. It was as if she was considering my request before finally relenting.

"Well, if it's absolutely necessary, I suppose I can arrange for someone to accompany you," she said, her voice laced with a hint of caution.

Accompany me? Am I some kind of child to her?

She left to find someone and I turned my attention towards Amelia

"Accompany?" I say, sarcastically

"Well, maybe because this place is so big you might get lost"

"It's a parking lot, if I get lost then I can just follow a trail that always leads back to the house"

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