Chapter 24 : Georgia

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Yesterday was the second best day of my life. First best day was when I met Evan. I was thinking about it all night. Olive was beside me on my bed. Yesterday it got late and I told Olive to stay over along with Rodger. But, he went home as he had some important work to do. Olive was now four weeks pregnant. I can't wait to see the baby. I kept thinking, will it be a girl? or, will it be a boy?. Olive wanted it to be a boy  who would exactly resemble Rodger while, Rodger wanted it to be a girl who would exactly resemble Olive. Yesterday I asked Olive how it felt to have a baby in her womb. She replied that she can't tell exactly as she was only four weeks pregnant. She also said that she would feel nauseous all day and have cravings to eat something sour. I told her that when she will be eight months pregnant she should move into my house. I will take good care of her and fulfil all her cravings and also give her everything that she needs. She said she would give it a thought. She also needed to ask Rodger about this. She also said that she wanted to have a gender reveal. I said we will do a grand gender reveal and we would invite all her friends. She said that I couldn't care less about her. I kept asking her what she needed, what she wanted, what she felt like and what she would crave for. I was over excited about her baby. She said she  will go on maternity leave when she will be five months pregnant. I said that she should take more care of herself now that she is pregnant. She said I was acting like her mom. I replied that is what best friends are for. I asked her whether they both had decided any names for their child. She said no as they had been busy with their work lately. We both slept after our long conversation.

Finally tomorrow I was going to go to work after a whole damn week. Evan told me that there was this new guy who was appointed as a new chef in our hotel. I can't remember his name. Evan had told me his name. Yeah it was Edward. I was excited to meet him. I think I have heard this name before. Right, in my school there was a guy named Edward. 

I went to sleep after thinking about who that new guy would be and how he was. But, I needed to sleep early as I needed to wake up early for work. 

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