Chapter 2 : Georgia

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Today's day was hard. I had to make so many dishes at work . I was so frustrated. I spilled some food on one of the customer's coats . He seemed angry though. He yelled at me so loudly . He was wearing a white shirt and a black jeans along with a black coat on which I spilled food . He was really angry . He said his name was Evan and he had an interview. Hope he passes the interview. He said that he will take his coat back from me the next day in the same hotel and at the same time. He was good looking. I washed his coat and dried it too. I need to get some sleep tonight as I am really very tired.

I was driving home. I was sleepy and tired. I slept as soon as I got home.

I woke up around seven as I had to reach my work place by eight-thirty. I took his coat with me in a bag . I left my place around seven forty-five. I reached the place by eight-thirty. The head chef told me that some new chef will be joining tomorrow and we all need to help him

It's past noon now . I have been waiting for Evan since morning. He hasn't showed up yet. I think he will come by evening. I regret not asking him for his number , at least I could have called him and asked him when he was coming. Hope he passed his interview yesterday.

I have been waiting for Evan since morning now it's eight pm still he hasn't shown up . I think he forgot about his coat. The hotel will be closed by twelve a.m. If he doesn't show up by then maybe he will not come again .

It's past twelve. I am in my car still waiting for him, hoping that he will show up now.

It's one in the clock so I decided to go home and not wait for him as I was really really sleepy after working all day long .

I got home fifteen minutes ago . I ate some leftovers and now am in my bed thinking about Evan . I guess he forgot about the coat, about me and about whatever he said . I need to get some sleep as I need to get up early tomorrow. Let's hope he will come tomorrow to get his coat back .

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