Chapter 3 : Evan

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Today I woke up and I was waiting for their text . I started thinking that their decision was not to hire me, as it's past noon now and still I haven't got a call from the hotel about their decision. I was at my favorite café reading a book for the past 2 hours . The waiter came to my table a few minutes ago and asked me whether I needed something. I was frustrated. I was losing my hopes about yesterday's interview. I was reading and my phone started buzzing. It was an unknown number . I picked my phone and answered the call . And the person from the other side started speaking, "Hello , is this Evan kessler?". "Yeah this is him" , I replied frustratingly. The person said ,"This is the manager of the hotel Boston Park Plaza . We have called you to inform you that you are selected as the chef of this hotel and you can join from tomorrow". I couldn't believe it so I said , "Can you repeat?". The manager said ," You are selected as chef in our hotel and you can join from tomorrow". I was filled with joy and my happiness knew no bounds . I said , "Thank you and I will join from tomorrow" . They said ," Hope you like your new job". They also said ,"You should come here by 8:30 tomorrow ". I was beyond happy that day . I called Owen and Ed . We decided to celebrate tonight at my place . I went to a mall to purchase some new clothes for my work . I purchased some new shirts and jeans . I was driving home and I realized that I gave my coat to that lady yesterday and I was going to go to the hotel to take it back today but I forgot it after my interview. I let it go as it was only a coat and I had purchased a new one already. I took some drinks on my way home for the party . I got home and Owen and Ed were already waiting for me in my driveway . We went inside my house. I changed my clothes . We decided to dance . We drank so much. We had a party till midnight then we slept on my coach .

I woke up and it was past seven forty-five. I was expected to leave my house by eight so I could reach the hotel by eight-thirty . I got up, took a shower, got ready ,drank coffee and left my place at eight . I reached the hotel by eight-thirty. I went to the kitchen, grabbed an apron and waited for the head chef to come . I decided to greet everyone at my work till the head chef arrived . I was greeting everyone one by one . I greeted some chef's who were working with some dishes . I saw the woman which I ran into earlier yesterday. She was also in the kitchen. I asked her, " Do you work here?" " Yes I work here as a chef ", she replied. She said ,"Why didn't you come yesterday to take your coat back? I was waiting for you". She also asked ," Do you work here?". "Today is my first day of working here" I replied . She said,"Come with me I have to return your coat which you left here yesterday". I followed her to her car and she gave me my coat back . She said ,"Sorry for spilling the food on your coat earlier ".  Her brown eyes locked with mine. Her brown hair were shining as sun kissed them. She was just gorgeous. Her cherry lips looked juicy. 

"It's okay", I said . She was looking into my eyes and my heart skipped a beat . She said,"Hope you like working with me". I said ,"sorry for yelling at you earlier ". She said,"You don't need to apologise, it was my mistake". "Still I shouldn't have yelled at you". "It's okay"."What is your name?". "Georgia Harper". She went back in.

My heart was racing since she made eye contact with me. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that there is some connection between us. I went back in along with her. 

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