"It's fine, dear. I've been through this more than I can count but my body has become used to it. Hopefully, you don't end up like me and I'm sure that at the end of it all, D'Angelo will mark you. Now head out before it gets dark."

Following her advice, I left the house, feeling the cool evening air brush against my skin. The sun was beginning its descent and I headed towards the greenery that marked the beginning of the hills.

The hills were vast, appearing to go on forever, and they stretched both far and wide. The place was empty. Just the sound of the birds and me.

I felt the familiar tug of my wolf, ready to come out, as I concentrated on my inner self. Fur took the place of my skin as the shift began. Within moments, where I once stood, now was a small omega wolf, no bigger than a large dog. My fur was a mix of white and black spots.

My wolf form was less intimidating, more agile, and quick. After giving myself a moment to get used to the change, I started running. The soft grass beneath my paws and the earthy smell of the soil filled my nostrils as the hills greeted me. I ran without direction, letting my instincts guide me.

Over an hour passed as I ran. The sun set completely and turned into twilight. I felt better now and knew it was time to shift back. With focus, I let my body transform into a human form and felt a whole lot better.

I began the trek back to the house but as I neared the fountain D'Angelo's car stopped me dead in my tracks. I hid behind a tree because I was curious to find out what was going on. I longed for him more than ever and because I was in heat I didn't mind going to him to apologize for demanding too much.

That all changed when I watched him get out of the car and open the passenger door.

Alexis stepped out, smiling as she handed D'Angelo her bag. A tightness formed in my chest, jealousy, and pain. My mate was looking every bit like a devoted partner to someone else.

My heart ached at the sight. I couldn't tear my eyes away, not until they vanished from my sight, leaving me hidden behind the tree.


In math class, with a big water bottle by my side to fight the lingering heat, I was caught off guard when Caleb took the seat next to me. I tensed up.

Caleb liked me and didn't fail to show it. I'd have been very flattered if I was mateless because he was very good-looking and not an asshat like his sisters.

He leaned over, his voice casual, "Hey, Kira, how's it going? Did you manage to tackle the math assignment?"

"What assignment?"

He gave me a serious look and my hand flew to my mouth. I had completely forgotten about it due to yesterday's stress.

"Oh, no, I... I forgot. I was... busy."

He chuckled softly, opening his book to the assignment page. "Here, copy my answers quickly before the teacher comes in."

He slid his notebook towards me. Grateful, I hurriedly copied his answers.

"Thank you so much, Caleb. I appreciate this."

His smile was broad, watching me for a moment before saying, "You know, you owe me now."

Confused, I looked up. "Owe you?"

"Yeah," he grinned. "For saving your grade. How about a date as payment?"

I felt my stomach drop. "A date? I'm not sure that's a good idea..."

"Why not?" He seemed genuinely puzzled. "What's stopping you? Don't have a boyfriend, do you? Or a mate?" He glanced at my neck. "I don't see a mark."

I shifted uncomfortably, not liking the sound of this. "Just because I don't have a mate, doesn't mean I'm free for dates. Especially, well, not so spontaneously."

Caleb leaned back, his smile widening. "I'm not just anybody, Kira. I like you. I want to get to know you better."

I was about to counter again, but he cut me off. "Look, no need to make it a big deal. Let's grab some donuts after school, just as friends. We can chat, and get to know each other. What do you say?"


"Yup, donuts. My treat," he confirmed with a nod. "We can change if you don't like the snack."

I tried to slip out of the conversation gently, telling Caleb, "I think I should be heading home. I'm not feeling too well."

But he was insistent. "Don't be like that, Kira. You shouldn't think that just because you're an Omega, you can't have friends or go out."

It was a struggle to keep my voice calm. "Maybe next time, Caleb. I don't feel up to it today."

Caleb seemed to not get the point. "No, Kira. We're doing this. It's just donuts. You'll see, it'll be fun."

"I said not today," I snapped louder than intended and I regretted it instantly.

The room went quiet after my outburst. Caleb looked taken aback, and some of our classmates turned to look at us.

"Wow, Caleb. You let an Omega insult you?" His sister clapped and rushed to my seat, glaring at me like a demon.

"Imagine being so lucky that my brother even bothers with you and you throw a fit."

Caleb gave her a warning look. "Stop it, Carol "

"No. The vermin should be grateful. Now, for disrespecting you, she has to leave the class."

I lifted my gaze, matching hers. "You can't deprive me of learning and I'm not leaving."

I hadn't even finished talking when she landed a heavy slap on my face and while at it, it drew blood on my cheek from her long fake nails. I clenched my jaw together, refusing to flinch, although my anger was beginning to boil inside me.

"How dare you talk about Caleb like that?" she hissed. "You can't be serious? Are you really that stupid?

"Stop it, Carol!" Caleb growled. "That was out of line. Apologize to her."

"I'd rather die," she was saying and while she was distracted, I returned the slap. A shocked gasp escaped her lips and Caleb's eyes widened.

There was a painful silence before she lunged at my poor ponytail. Caleb rushed to drag her away while everyone was cheering and clapping.

The teacher caught wind of what had happened and we were sent to detention. I sat at one desk, diligently working on the math problems assigned as punishment, trying to keep my focus away from Carol.

Across the room, Carol's attention was barely on the pages of her book. Instead, she sent glares sharp enough to slice through the silence directly at me.

"You don't know what you've just done. You dug your grave and I'll happily bury you," she said with supreme confidence and I ignored her.

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