Smiling, I agreed to her plan and discussed the budget before paying her in advance.


That evening, I stood on the patio, sipping my orange drink, and enjoying the setting sun. I could hear footsteps and voices coming from downstairs. Alexis was excited to see her siblings, Carol and Caleb, who were coming to visit.

She had stopped crying, and when I asked if her siblings could visit to lift her spirits, she didn't object. She rushed to greet them, a genuine smile lighting up her face.

Although the woman was incredibly self-centered, her love for her family warmed my heart.

I went to greet them downstairs. Her spoiled brat sister Carol immediately clung to my arm. Carol pretended not to notice that Alexis was giving her a fierce glare.

“Alpha, what you're doing for the omegas is noble and all, but is it really necessary?"

Carol had a nasal voice like she was sucking on helium. She was always a little too forward with everyone. I tried to ignore her as she was looking at me expectantly.

“Yes, Carol, it is necessary. Why?”

She shrugged. “I think you're making a mistake. The omegas are disgusting.”

I forced myself to swallow my rage and speak in a neutral tone. “Remind me who the alpha is again, honey.”

"I'm just voicing my concern and you know it.”

“It's not that bad, Carol," Caleb interjected. "Stop overreacting."

Carol tossed her brother the middle finger. Caleb was the opposite of his sisters. Laid back, had good vibes, and reminded me so much of my younger self.

“Hey Alpha, do you mind showing me around?” He asked me.

"Sure. I'm not doing anything important at the moment."

We started our stroll around the estate, discussing several topics. I was pleased at how intelligent he was quite a shocker for his airhead father, Jones.

"How does it feel to be the alpha? Isn't it overwhelming?"

I grew openly amused while he tried to suppress a giggle. "It very much is. But what can I do? The responsibility was handed down to me. It's my cross to carry.”

"I don't envy you,” he chuckled and I ruffled his hair.

Our conversation shifted to lighter topics. We were heading towards the omega quarters and I hoped to catch a glimpse of Kira.

"There's a soccer tournament coming up at school," Caleb mentioned casually, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "If you're less busy, you could come to cheer us on or even make it a big event."

“Sure. I'll add it to my schedule “

Speaking of the devil, our stroll came to a halt when Kira appeared in the distance with a friend, both of them giggling and whispering into each other's ears.

My heart warmed at the sight of her. How was it possible that she grew beautiful as the days rolled by? My eyes raked boldly over her but I quickly maintained my composure because of Caleb.

"I know the blonde girl," he said with a surprised tone. "She's my classmate." Without hesitation, he called out her name, "Kira!"

Kira froze, her laughter cutting off as she and her friend turned towards us. Her eyes darted between me and Caleb. She stood tongue-tied as if she was caught doing something bad.

I attempted to not reveal too much. Kira purposely avoided looking at me, clearly conscious. She and her friend bowed respectfully, maintaining the formalities expected in our community.

"Hey, Kira, I didn't know you lived here. What are you up to this weekend? Maybe we could hang out,” Caleb said to her.

I felt a frown forming on my face but quickly suppressed it. Kira stole a glance at me, then turned back to Caleb with a polite smile.

"I'm sorry, I've got a lot of chores this weekend, and my mom sent me out on an errand”

Caleb nodded with a broad smile,  "I understand. Maybe some other time then."

Kira and her friend hurried away and Caleb watched them go, and the idiot had the guts to check Kira out.

"Caleb? You're drooling.”

He turned to me with a smile and scratched his hair, "She's very sexy, isn't she?"

Pressing my lips together I grew silent but I was so irritated and jealous having a strong desire to smack his face.

"How can you admire an omega like that?" I asked without thinking and he laughed.

"Wasn't it you who said we shouldn't discriminate against omegas? I'm obeying my alpha."

I winced at his words. "Yes, I did say that... But maybe you should find someone else."

He gave a forced smile and a wag of his head.  "No, I find her attractive and I'm going to ask her out."

His words hit me harder than I expected and I knew I had to leave his presence before I exploded.

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