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The first thing Adrienne did after fleeing was gather up some of her belongings from the Spellman residence. She placed some of her clothes and a couple of favourite books in a duffel bag she retrieved from under her bed.

Once she had gathered everything. She rushed down to the greenhouse, grabbed a few ingredients, and then ran back to her room. She used water and the ingredients to make a paste which she painted around her door and window. She then charged a spell that would make it that whoever entered the room who wasn't her would experience a violent sickness.

Then she left.

Adrienne's best hope was to find somewhere to lay low, preferably around witches who were unquestionably loyal to Lucifer. She was hurt and needed time away from the madness that had infested Greendale.

Zelda, Hilda, and Ambrose had returned home to check on the recovering Academy students. They had all been sleeping throughout the whole ordeal at the Church of Night. They were clueless of all that had occurred. It was bad enough that they had to come to terms with their high priestess trying to kill them all.

"Woo! I'm wiped." Hilda exhaled and let out a soft chuckle. "I'll make up some space for these lot to sleep and then I'll be heading off to bed."

"You can use my room, Auntie. Prudence and I will be gone for a while, seeking Blackwood and the infant twins."

"Oh!" Hilda went to give Ambrose a hug. "Well, um, good luck, Ambrose and give Prudence my best."

"She's been in the house!" Zelda's voice carried down the stairs. She stomped down a few seconds later. "Her room has been locked and enchanted. Thankfully Salem stopped be before I entered."

Ambrose rushed upstairs. After a few minutes he returned.
"I figured she was likely to leave a note in my room. We used to do it with each other whenever we were away for a bit. It was mainly she who did it of course."

Ambrose unfolded the note and the three Spellmans leaned over the table to read it together. Ambrose was the one to read it aloud.

"It appears she started with 'Dearest Family' but crossed it out. It begins: To the Spellmans."

Zelda and Hilda looked up at each other with heartbroken expressions.

"I am clueless of what you think of me especially after this night. What I do know is that you would hold Sabrina as more important that anyone else even after she has caused you distress, havoc, and shame. I was not only omitted from your plans of betrayal against the dark lord but also given no ounce of your trust that I could speak to him and help him reconsider bringing Hell unto Earth.

I wonder how you feel now. All embarrassed by your centuries of faith and servitude only to disrespect your dark lord within hours of being in his presence. As if the scriptures had not foretold his promise for centuries.

Ambrose, darling. You have been my best friend since I moved in I have loved you ever since and I find myself hurt by you too. I wish you good luck in killing Faustus Blackwood. Give Prudence my best.

To Zelda and Hilda, I wish you both well. I would say sorry I didn't make you proud, but I know I made you proud. I'm sorry you have forgotten me whilst blinded by Sabrina's teenage tantrums. I love you both but I now feel unwelcome.

You may rip of the rest of this page to give to Sabrina. She will not see the message above. You may try to give it to her but you have reached this word and now this parchment will -" As Ambrose got closer to the end he spoke slower and his eyes furrowed. The paper suddenly came alight from the top.

"Oh Heaven!" he dropped the letter in surprise and stamped it out. Sure enough, all that remained was the bit he had not read yet which was addressed to Sabrina. He found himself chuckling softly. It was a trick he had taught Ada a while back and forgotten about.

"Should we read it in case it's something that will hurt Sabrina?" Hilda asked, substituting a caring question in place of her burning curiosity.

"Yes, Ambrose, pick it up. We must finish it." Zelda concurred.

Ambrose picked up the paper after stamping on it a few more times. He then continued to read aloud.

"To Sabrina.

I don't know what to even say to you. I imagine you will read these as mere words and nothing more and then you will go on with your day as you always do.

I thought you loved me but now I understand that to you, love comes from what people give you and not what you give them because you give nothing unless it is for your own benefit.

I wonder what you will subject the world to next. I recommend you live your mortal life as you so wanted."

Zelda Spellman did not fall asleep for a while. She sat up in her bed, brushing her hair and thinking of Ada's words. She was hurt and Zelda felt that she had been a terrible nightmother. Ada had been right about Sabrina's tendencies and how Zelda and Hilda had constantly come to her aid. It had seemed that in doing so, Zelda had forgot that Ada was still a woman who needed nurture.

Zelda thought about how Ambrose had told her that Ada still talked to her mother in the veil every Samhain and that when Ambrose had told her that Irene waited every day of every year just to hear Ada's voice again, she had cried agonising tears.

"Hildy?" Zelda whispered. She had put her brush down and was staring forwards.

"Yes?" her sister was already laying down in her bed. Tired.

"Did we neglect our sweet Ada?" Zelda's voice trembled, "Did we expect too much of her?"

"She was trying so hard to be the best at everything and when Sabrina came along causing-"


"havoc, mayhem, disorder – what have you - and was given attention and forgiveness countless times... it probably hurt Ada and made her feel unseen." Ambrose told Prudence. He had summarised the letter.

The daughter of Blackwood had just sliced the head off the statue of Blackwood in the academy. Her blades were ready to do the same to her father when she eventually found him.

"I do feel sorry for her." Prudence finally responded to Ambrose as they were leaving the academy, "Ada, I mean. She was one of my favourite people at the academy. Her substitute classes were some of the least boring. And she saved my sisters."

"She loves the Dark Lord. She said yes to his proposal."

"We all loved the Dark Lord. Many in the academy still do. He gave us our power and we have spoken and sung his praise our whole lives. Most of us have done his bidding when asked. Sabrina didn't want to be queen and help raise Hell on Earth and we all helped her trap him." She described the past 24 hours as if Ambrose had not been there. "If I were not so focused on seeking revenge on Blackwood, I would be having an identity crisis."

"I had mine long ago after I was sentenced to house arrest." Ambrose sighed.

The two of them walked down the train tracks and planned their first tracking spell. 

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