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Adrienne continued to have no time for rest. This time it wasn't completely Sabrina's fault. There was a lot of commotion towards the preparation of Zelda's wedding.

Ambrose had been invited, in Luke's place, to join Father Blackwood's peculiar men's group and was out of the house more and more. Adrienne had spent less time at the academy and studied at the Spellman residence as the academy had become too busy and hectic for her. With Ambrose at the academy more and Zelda incredibly preoccupied, Adrienne had tried to lend her hand more readily with the mortuary.

The Anti-Pope was flying into Greendale to officiate Father Blackwood and Zelda's wedding. Hilda had been re-communicated to be the maid of dishonour. Adrienne was so happy for Hilda. Furthermore, Hilda had been ecstatic of late due to her lovely partner Dr Cerberus who ran a very cool bookshop in Greendale. Adrienne had hung out there a few times but found the hours filled up with school children too cringey – the topics mortal kids discuss!
Adrienne would roll her eyes just thinking about it on her walk home from town.

Much to Zelda's dismay, Adrienne had asked to be sat at the back of the room for the wedding ceremony. She did not approve of the union, nor did Sabrina, Ambrose and probably Hilda. Faustus Blackwood was not a friend to women. This was becoming clearer and clearer each passing day.

Before the wedding had even taken place, the anti-pope had been murdered in the academy. Faustus Blackwood claimed Ambrose was the perpetrator.

Adrienne had received this information from Sabrina and Nick rushing into her room, with a bloodied and confused Ambrose, asking for her help while they stopped the wedding.

So, Adrienne never made it to dear Zelda's wedding as she was doing her best to shield Ambrose from any tracking magick.

This led to them being in the woods. Adrienne had made a picnic basket of their favourite snacks to keep them going until they heard from Sabrina who was attempting to crash the wedding. The woods offered a better fleeing position than in the Spellman home.
On their way to the woods, Ambrose had told her of the familiar gifted by Blackwood possessing his body to kill the Anti-Pope so that he would not receive Edward Spellman's Manifesto. Sabrina had fleetingly told Adrienne that Blackwood had murdered her parents. The witch already disliked the man enough.

Ambrose had crusted blood on his clothes from the Anti-Pope crime scene. He was on edge, pacing back and forth within the protection circle Adrienne had drawn. She could smell his anxiety-ridden sweat.

"I cannot wait longer, Ada, he's a monster, that Blackwood."

"Wait until we have weakened him, you need to be patient. Do it for Luke."
For a moment, he stopped pacing. It seemed her words had taken affect.

"This is for Luke!" Ambrose shouted, a knife suddenly in hand, and chanted the spell to teleport while running out of the protection circle.

"Ambrose, NO!" Adrienne paled as he disappeared from her view. She looked at the patch of dirt where he had stood, around the woods and then back at the picnic basket. "Crap." She grabbed a handful of popcorn to get her blood sugar up and then teleported to the academy.

After being stopped by Prudence, Ambrose was being dragged to a cell for attempting to stab Blackwood. Adrienne didn't care if he killed Blackwood. She was on his side no matter what. He just picked an awful time to make the attempt on the man's life.

Rather than convening with Sabrina, Zelda and Hilda. Adrienne waited in the walls of the hallway to hear Ambrose being dragged down. She whispered a scrying spell that would mean he could speak with her if he was near any water. She noticed his posture soften when he felt her presence nearby. She held her breath when Blackwood's men passed by so they would not sense her hiding within the stone wall.

"Your power grows so greatly each day. It impresses me greatly"
Adrienne gasped at the voice she had not heard in a while. One of the Blackwood's men turned around sharply.

"Who's there?" One of Blackwood's 'soldiers' turned down the hallway, chanting a revelation spell.

"Languae Magicae" Adrienne whispered quickly. Her mind was so focused on the voice of darkness that she did not find herself back at the Spellman residence. Instead, she was somewhere, far from Greendale, watching a man be dragged towards a ferryman of hell by the dark lord himself. The nearby road sign showed she was somewhere near Athens in Georgia.

Adrienne listened to his heavy footsteps stop and heard him inhale deeply.

"Adrienne" he said her voice in his exhaling breath.

The man being dragged was thrown to the ferryman and the dark lord turned around to Adrienne. His steps towards her shook the ground beneath her feet. She watched small beads of earth shake on the pavement. There were hoof steps left behind him in the form of burns. They faded away after a few seconds. He stopped in front of her.

"Dark Lord" She acknowledged, bending her neck back to look at his face.

The Dark Lord scooped her up like it was nothing and placed her on the roof of a car which belonged to the recently seized and deceased man. His mortal body remained in the car. The car height made Adrienne not have to look up so high when looking at the Devil's augmenting face. He truly was a beast of horrors. The air had taken on a smell of burning hair and car exhaust.

"You found me by merely thinking of me" he said it as a statement rather than a question.

"Yes." Although unexpected. She thought to herself.

"Very good." He praised. Adrienne felt the mixture of fear and pride giving her goosebumps.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, dark lord, might I go home now?" Adrienne asked tentatively. She took a sharp breath in as a long-clawed finger pulled the hair away from her face.

"Very well."

Adrienne was suddenly inher room again. The memories of the past few days returned to her, and sheimmediately painted up warding sigils to keep anyone, including Sabrina, from enteringher room. She wanted to be alone for just one night.

She quickly tip-toed to the kitchen in case anyone was in the house and filleda bowl with water to leave by her bedside for when Ambrose made contact

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