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Adrienne squinted to adjust to the bright light that surrounded her bed. Although she was definitely in her bed, she was not in her room. She was somewhere outside near a cliff edge. Before her was a brilliant expansive view of a land she'd never seen before. It reminded her slightly of Utah, but she didn't feel like she was in the USA. Pale sand covered the ground as far as her eyes could see. It was quiet, save for the wind which brushed past her making a soft whistle every so often.

She blinked. There was someone standing near the cliff edge, looking at the view. Their back was bare and there were two large lacerations on each shoulder blade. The figure turned, aware of her gaze.

"Why do you hesitate, darling?"

A beautiful man with short dark hair stood before her. He was covered from the waist down in a simple cloth that had been arranged in a trouser-ly fashion.

"uhhhh," Adrienne trailed off. She froze when she processed the cuts on their back. If this was real, the stories remarking on his beauty truly didn't disappoint.

She began to walk forward towards him until she was standing in front of him by a few inches. He closed that gap with no hesitation. A soft finger traced against her temple and pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. Adrienne's memory of the long claw doing the similar movement flashed in her mind.

"I've been quite impressed with your magick, dear Adrienne," Her mind flited back to when he said the same thing to her when she was hiding at the academy.

"Thank you,"

"I look forward to what we can achieve together."

"oh," Adrienne tried to keep calm, confused yet excited by his words. "cool." She wanted to hit her head against a wall after saying it. Unfortunately, there were no walls around.

"Remember six years ago when I called on you for the first time," His fingers continued to brush through her hair. Her eyes wanted to close from the delightful feeling.


"What did I tell you to do?"

"You told me to kill a powerful witch who had attempted to destroy you."

"You did it without thought, with hardly any training as a young witch. Just like you killed that Angel who murdered your mother."

Adrienne nodded. His voice was soft and easy to listen to in this form. This was his angelic form. It very much polarized his 'Devil' form that she had more familiarity with.

"Now, for your new task: you must seek out Lilith and join her in assisting Sabrina with some...crucial errands."

"It will be done." Adrienne nodded. She didn't ask questions. She'd learn on the way. She'd always wanted to meet Lilith, the first witch. She wanted to learn her powers.

"Will it be done? You hesitated, no you disobeyed, the last time I called upon you."

Not long before Sabrina's dark baptism, the Dark Lord had asked her to kill Sabrina's boyfriend so she would be fully focused on her witch duties and signing her name. Adrienne had not done it out of respect for Sabrina. Adrienne had acquired a devil's mark. After a week of pain, she had prayed to the dark lord for removal of the mark for another service.

"Someone's gotta keep you on your ... hooves?" Adrienne's sarcastic humor shot out of her mouth before she could censor it.
The Dark Lord grabbed her wrist and twisted her round so she was hanging off the cliff edge. The height did not scare Adrienne, but the fall would hurt her immensely.

"I said it will be done! I've never gone against my word. I never said 'yes' to killing Sabrina's mortal lover."

"This is true." Judging by the look on his face, he was enjoying dangling her off the edge of the cliff. Adrienne attempted to teleport, but it was no use.

"I control this dream-space," He explained her lack of powers, looking down at her with a smug expression. A dream makes sense, especially since I awoke in my bed here. Yet, this feels so real.

"So, I won't die if I let go?" She asked. She then tried to wriggle out of his grasp before waiting for an answer. He was surprised, and fascinated.
She was then pulled back up onto her feet in one effortless movement.

"You're quite exciting," once again Adrianne felt the praise being received in her body through a nervous shiver.

"It would be folly and lies to not say the same about you, Dark Lord," Adrienne smiled gently after she spoke.
His smile was barely detectable, but she believed it to be there.

"This will feel much more amazing for the both of us once I am in your realm."
Before she could ask what he meant, he leant towards her and kissed her.

It was a kiss that made her thoughts of all else dispel, with her only need being to be touched and kissed by him. She wrapped her arms around him to pull herself as close as possible. She felt him do the same, grasping all the way down her back before picking her up from her buttocks and carrying her away from the cliff-edge that she had almost completely forgotten about.

She felt the familiar softness of her bed as he laid her down. Her long t-shirt she slept in was lifted and she was naked from the chest down. The warm temperature of wherever they were made Adrienne feel less shy of her nudity.

The cloth tied around his waist fell and he, too, was naked.

Adrienne proceeded to have the best sex she'd ever had. 

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