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"Bloody hell, cuz, why do all these things keep happening to you?"

Adrienne woke to Ambrose's voice outside of the tent. She assumed he was talking to Sabrina.
With bleary eyes, Adrienne unzipped the tent.

"Good morning to you all too." She grumbled. The two noisemakers looked rather tall from Adrienne's perspective as she crawled through the tents' opening. "What's the drama now and did it have to disturb our peaceful camping after the atrocities of yesterday?"

"Well, sweet Ada, it has apparently come to light that Sabrina may be a herald of hell and believes the only awful way to stop it is-"

"To use a mandrake root spell to separate my powers. Don't tell my aunties please, Ada."
Adrienne's eyes widened. Is this why the Devil mentioned Sabrina's errands? She rolled out of the tent, dragged the sleeping bags out and began packing down the camping gear.

"What, no comment?" Sabrina crossed her arms defensively.

"I will react to this appropriately once I've had coffee. Our cute camping moment will have to be cut short for now."

Ambrose snorted.
Adrienne looked up at the sky which was still only begin to take on sunrise's hues. "It's barely daybreak! Will I ever sleep a whole night through again?"

"Bigger issues, sweet Ada, bigger issues." Ambrose chided.

"The mandrake root will siphon off my darker energies and there will be no way for me to start the apocalypse." Sabrina explained. She had given Ambrose a picture that Harvey had drawn of what they had all seen in the mines.

"I'm sure you will find a way." Ambrose interjected.
"Hear, hear." Adrienne pipped up from behind them as they walked back to the house. "No offense, Brina. Just acknowledging trends of late."

Adrienne made coffee in the kitchen and joined the younger Spellmans in the attic. She plopped herself down on a small beanbag beside the other two who were in chairs.

"I've felt it ever since my dark baptism. It was leading to something. It was to be the herald of Hell."

"Honestly, it puts the last few crazy months into perspective." Adrienne shrugged.

"If you go through with this it will be witch suicide." Ambrose protested. The mandrake root was a rarely attempted ritual due to its finality for a witch's life. "Without your powers, you will age, wither and die like a mortal."

"I came to you both because I thought you'd understand. My life is not my own. I am a pawn in the dark lord's sick perverse game."

We're all someone's pawn. Adrienne thought to herself. And that is why I seek power and status like Zelda has. I believe power can be reassigned and reclaimed from oppressive forces. 

Out of respect for Sabrina's own need of claiming her life, Adrienne went down to Hilda's Garden to find a mandrake root. She would meet Sabrina and Ambrose in the mortuary where the ritual was to be performed. She did not approve of the idea, but Ambrose and Sabrina had come to an agreement.

After the spell was cast. Ambrose and Adrienne took turns watching Sabrina whilst she slept, as part of the ritual. Adrienne kept falling asleep and falling forward from her chair. 

"Ada, darling, go to bed."

"When she wakes up, I will go to bed." Adrienne promised.

By the time Sabrina awoke. The mandrake hadn't taken form. Ambrose began describing another potential method to Sabrina that would involve going outside.
Taking Ambrose's advice, Adrienne bid the two Spellmans a good day and headed upstairs to get a few hours of sleep.

By the time she came downstairs. There were two Sabrinas in the house bickering. 

"I take it the spell worked in the end?" She asked Ambrose, who was overseeing the discussion between the two Sabrinas. He nodded.

He leaned into whisper to her. "Sabrina has to kill the mandrake root."
Adrienne leaned back "I know. Which one of us spends most of their time in the greenhouse, eh?"

The Sabrinas were to duel at the witching hour. In the meantime, before the duel. Sabrina updated Adrienne on her learning that Ms Wardwell had been pushing her to become the herald of hell.

"Ah!" Adrienne put the puzzle pieces together in her head.

"What?" Sabrina's eyebrows furrowed.

"She mentioned taking you on errands. I thought they were just simple mundane things." Adrienne left out the dark lord's involvement.

"You knew this whole time?" Sabrina stopped. Her eyes widened before her expression furrowed into anger.

"No, only since yesterday." Adrienne looked to Ambrose who was raising a quizzical brow. "We've all been busy. I've been so focused on Ambrose, who by the way nearly died for a crime he was coerced to commit by the head priest of our very own church! I'm sorry for not telling you what I had found out. I think I figured since you mentioned her as your... I guess 'mentor' so often I didn't think about what you might not have known."

Sabrina relaxed, understanding Adrienne's reasons. Although Sabrina still knew nothing of Lucifer's demands.
Better it stayed that way for now.

"Anyway, focus on your task at hand." Adrienne deflected.

"Nick is with her now, with Ms. Wardwell. Stopping her from ensuring the prophecy is fulfilled." Sabrina explained.

Adrienne wondered whether she should be freeing Lilith or staying with Sabrina. She didn't know whether the dark lord would be angry if she did not finish her task. She assumed he would be. She remembered the feeling of his claws dragging up her inner thighs before gashing her stomach. With the wound being less prominent, she found herself more focused on the feeling of Lucifer teasing her.

Adrienne decided to wait until Sabrina and Ambrose were getting ready to leave the house before she teleported to Lilith's whereabouts.

She almost slammed straight into Nick Scratch. He and Lilith were running through the woods. Adrienne turned heel and joined their pace.

"How did you find us while we were moving? That's impossible!" Nick shouted to her.
"Hello to you too!" Adrienne shouted back despite the two not being far from each other. "I seem to have a special skill for teleportation and tracking that I've only recently learnt of." Adrienne then turned her head to Lilith.
"What is your wish, why are you running?"

"We must stop Sabrina before she dooms us all!"

Rather than looking like he was stopping her, Nick appeared to be running in support of Lilith. Adrienne supposed the news outweighed the original task Sabrina had mentioned.

When the three arrived to where Sabrina and Ambrose were, they saw her holding the dead mandrake in her arms. It was an odd, poetic sight to behold.

"It's over." Sabrina said, tears in her eyes.

"Sabrina, that was the last step to complete the prophecy." Nick explained. "Killing yourself was the final perversion." Lilith added. "The prophecy is fulfilled. The end of days is upon us. The dark lord will walk the Earth in his true form."

His true form. Adrienne's mind flashed to the beautiful fallen angel in her dream. She looked back at the dead Mandrake in Sabrina's form on the woodland floor. I guess this was the final 'errand' Sabrina needed to run.

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