-Chapter 4-

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Watch 'n' Learn by: Rihanna

-Killian's POV-

Talia Butler, my honest opinion of her, I thought she was just a play thing. The more I spend time with her tonight, make me want more from her.

We are still in the room, the club is slowly closes. They found Talia's shoe under the couch that was across the room ,somehow, and finding pieces of Nic's shirt around the room. 

Hearing 'Sugar Daddy by Macy Gray'  (A/N give that song a listen shit is a banger) ringtone off somewhere in the room.

Be my, be my sugar daddy
And provide me with your candy
I will be your sugar, sugar baby
If you'll be my sugar, sugar daddy, sugar, sugar daddy

 Talia looking for her phone like a mad man, when she finds it in the cushions she lets out a sound of triumph. Answering the phone, giggling as Nic whisper in her neck and laughs with her.

I should feel jealous of how close he is with her but I don't, if anything I love them together like this.  Seeing him smile, makes me happy even if it isn't directed towards me. She makes him happy, that's all I want for him.

They haven't known each other long, but them seem so close. I'm glad that Nic is comfortable with someone else. I do wish he was open with me, not saying that he isn't. We communicate with each other very well, we trust each other with everything.

We never let something or someone  get in between us. 

Getting out of my thoughts before they get too wild, Talia tries to get up without tripping on her own feet. Walking towards me, looking over to Nic raising a drow in question to what they're up to now. He shrugs with a small smile on his face, that didn't reach his eyes. 

What happened? They were laughing and joking a second ago, did she make him upset?

Feeling a tug on my shoulders, in shock at her strength and that she would do something like that so suddenly. Her hands cupping the back of my neck, feeling her nails at the back of my hair. Pulling me closer to her.

Her hot breath on my neck, her touch on me holds me in place. She whispers in my ear, "I sadly have to go, my friend is worried sick about where I am. Could you walk me down?"

I take a glance over Nic, nodding his head at the plan they came up with.

Still in her hold, letting her comb her fingers in my hair in a daze. My hands travel towards hers, and pulling away so I can see her better, "We can't our favorite toy damaged before we get to play, now do we?" I said looking down on her, cocking my head to the side, chuckling.

Her eyes gleamed. Not backing down from the slight challenge I said. 

Oh? She wants to play. I'll play.

Grabbing her throat, feeling her heartbeat under my fingertips. The rhythm of her heart, beating so fast.

Pulling her closer to me, making her feel my hard on. "Don't be foolish, don't play a game you know the rules to, baby." I said to her, while looking to Nic knowing he also heard what I said to her.

"Let's get you home, Talia." Nic says trying walk toward us, coming behind Talia grabbing a hold of her hand. Tighter her hold on Nic, her sharp eyes not leaving mines. Like she doesn't want to give up, our stare off.

Slowly letting go of her, "Are you sure that, you're alright going home in this state?" I announced.

Clear her throat, "Hopefully, my friend isn't too shit faced drunk like I am. His is designated driver." pulling down that short dress, that had risen up in our moment.

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