-Chapter 2-

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Je Te Laisserai Des Mots by: Patrick Watson

-Nicholas POV-

Why is everyone trying to get on my never today?  These investors really are trying me, Killian says we need them but do we really? Killian has been on my ass all week since we moving to New York, to expand our business. I'm not doing to tell him that I'm really looking forward to the "Big Apple" and the places they have to offer.

"Nic?" Killian asked, gaining my attention. He moved his head side as if he is waiting on my answer to something. "You wasn't paying attention, were you?" He asked already knowing the answer while shaking his head at me.

"We went over this for hours we need a break or we going to burn out soon. Let's just close shop just for for a second. You've been on your feet for hours, sit down." I ushered him to the chair in front of me, and getting a bottle of water from the mini fruge.

"Well we need to prepare, this is a really big deal for our company. We need make sure they like us, so we can use their money to make ourselves bigger than ever. We are almost the youngest millionaires in this decade." He said with pride and looking at me with satisfaction. 

"You are correct, but we've gotten this far. This will be just one more milestone we'll pass. How much longer until we reach the city?" I asked, turning to look out the window of the plane.

Taking off his jacket about to reply but the flight attendant walks out the cockpit to us with our meal onto trays.

"Here's your lunches sir's, and enjoy" She said nicely. "We should be landing in 2 more hours, so please relax." She replied to my question I was going to ask again, walking away once more to the cockpit.

"You know we going to have see this club that's up and coming, I think it is called 'The Midnight Club'" I said turning to Killian with a smirk.

Looking at me with a smirk of his own while shaking his head at me, "We should book a hotel for the night, until our penthouse is finished with renovations." said being the ever responsible adult out of the both if us.

I love to live in the moment, while he just wants continue to build up our company. I would never discourage our success and how far we've came, but we are still young-ish. Let's live and enjoy ourselves. I've never really went out clubbing, even thought I'm 27 year old. It's been all work no play.

 "Ok, that's reasonable. I'm going to take a nap, tell me when we land" I said, getting up making my way to the couch.

"Night."Killian replied, getting a book from his bag.

--------------------2 Hours Later--------------------------

Feeling someone shaking me, opening my eyes then shutting them again.

"A couple more minutes Kil, pleases and turn the lights down." I whined out, covering my eyes with my arm.

"We're here, get up. We don't need to be late." He says, fixing his outfit. Thought there isn't much to fix. 

"Should I wear my contacts today? Thought the contacts does bother me" I said mainly asking myself, getting up and stretched. "So were are we going first?" I questioned, getting my bags and other items.

"For today since it's about noon, we need to check into the hotel, then check on the company and see how things are going there, finally we'll see about that club you mention" He declared, looking at his watch, then look up to me with a tinder look, walking up to me just standing just a arms length from me.

"What? What's wrong?" I questioned, wiping my face with my hand fixing my glasses. Trying to think os anything that could be wrong.

Lifting his hands my head, causing my tilt it in a question.

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