-Chapter 3-

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Into It by: Chase Atlantic

-Nicholas POV-

Letting her go from my arms in sadness, wanting to feel her more but not wanting to seem like a creep. Taking a step back and taking her in fully, her outfit hugs her perfectly. The curves on her, the way she stands tall, proud, and in charge.

"Are you ok Miss?" I asked, taking one more look at her just to be sure and for my own pleasure.

"Oh god please don't call me that, your making feel old. Just call me Talia. Thank you for asking and I'm sorry for running into." Talia rushed out, playing with her hands fiddling with the ring on her hands.

Talia is a beautiful name for her, if I remember correctly her name means flourishing or blooming. Either way she's beautiful flower. Tulip, she's beautiful as a tulip, my tulip.

My tulip? She's not even mines, at least not yet. I don't know her yet maybe she has a boyfriend or something. Maybe I'm not her type. This over thinking isn't going to get me anywhere.

"What's your name?" Her soft voice bringing me out of my thoughts that was about to run wild.

"Nicholas" I muttered all of a sudden feeling unsure about myself, but she kept looking at me like she's waiting for something.

"Well it was meeting you, I'm to take my leave." She teases, topping her imaginary hat to me, walking away from me.

"Wait, um" I falter not knowing what came over me to stop her from leaving, but it worked.

"Yes, Nicholas?" Talia question, raising a eyebrow at me.

"Well I-" trying to form words of what I want from her, our eyes meet each other for a moment. I stumble even more, the power she has over me with just one look, astonish me. "My friend and I are new to New York and I was hoping that you could show us around?" I asked hoping that she would yes.

"Ye, I kinda figured you wasn't from here. The accent really sells it. Would you mind if I met your friend?" Talia asked more like considered whilst checking her phone. "Could you give me a second, my friend is calling me" She said walking enough distance so I can't listen to her conversation.

Checking my phone and the time. Astonishment is just a understatement. We've been talking over 20 minutes, time flys seriously when I was talking to her. Looking at her again then from this distance she's alluring.The dimmed lights makes her even more appealing. She's leaning on the wall smiling and laughing at what someone said to her. 

Jealousy isn't a common emotion I feel but in this moment, I felt a burning jealousy for the person that's on the phone with her making her smile and laugh.

Ending the phone call Talia walks back to me energetically with a bright smile, "Ok, let's go." Pulling to me to my room not mindful to where my room is.

"Where are we going?" I tease her, loving the fact she looped our arms together. 

Freezing in her place, and turning to me with a small pout on those lips that's painting with red lipstick.

"So you let me basically drag you to somewhere with now care in the world about where we was going?"She teases back, while rolling her eyes at me.

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