Different Water

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I put my gun to the now standing guy's head. " Rick, it's Maggie we're bo- you have your proof. Let's talk." She cut Maggie off. " Alright, let them go, you can have your guy back and live." Rick offered. " Two for one, that's not much of a trade." She said. " You don't have another choice or you would have done something about it already." He called her out. " I'll get back to you." She said back.

" Rick, they have my wife." I told him. He nodded, " I know. I know, and we'll get her back. We'll get them both back." He nodded. We ran around trying to find a way in without these people seeing us. " Meet us as the kill floor." The walkie went off. I immediately rushed over, running around to find it. I stopped at a door as it opened, gun raised. On the other side of the door Maggie stood with the same stance. " Maggie." I whispered as I pulled her in for a hug. " You okay?" I asked into the hug. She nodded her head in my shoulder. " They're dead. They're all dead. The ones that took us, they're dead." Maggie said when we pulled apart. I looked at her face, " are you okay?" I aksed again. She stood thinking for a second before the tears came. " I, uh. I can't anymore." She sniffed making me pull her into another hug. Rick shot the guy we tugged along when he admitted to being Negan. This all felt too easy.


Our days went on, we did what we had to do and now we live like it didn't happen. Denise died, we had to bury her. I was dreading Tara coming back and having to tell her about Denise.

It was a new day, me and Maggie got washed up. I pulled on some black jeans and a plain blue shirt. Me, Maggie and Michonne stood by the guns when we heard Daryl's bike. " Oh no." maggie muttered before we ran up to him. " We gotta stop him." I told Michonne. We got into the truck and started it up, speeding after him. Abraham stopped us. " Make room for my freckled ass." He yelled but Rosita cut him off. " No, cover my watch. You stay." She hopped in. I gave Maggie a short wave, driving off. I didn't like leaving her like this but we have to stop him.

We followed after him, stopping where Rosita said to. " It's where she died." She said. " Who says he'd start from here." I asked as Michonne pulled on some branches revealing his bike. " He did." She confirmed. " Which way did Dwight run?" I asked Rosita. When she didn't answer I set my hand on her shoulder and called her again. " We should let him do this." She said, snapping out of it. " He doesn't know what he's doing." I shook my head. " Maybe him trying this makes you feel better right now, maybe they keep knowing more of us that we know about them or maybe Daryl's gonna get himself killed. Which way did Dwight run?" I asked again. She looked down before motioning behind me.

We walked along Rosita's path, Rosita got stopped by an arrow shooting at the tree near her. She ripped it out and walked to Daryl, " watch the hell out, asshole " she handed him the arrow. " Yeah, I did. You shouldn't have come." He walked past us. " You shouldn't have left." Michonne countered. " When I split off from Sasha and Abraham he was out there in the woods in that burnt out forest of them girls. They put a gun to my head. Tied me up, I even tried to help him." He walked on. " So you think it's your fault." I concluded. " I know it is." He fot in my face. " I'ma go do what I should have done before." He walked off once again. " What? For her? She's gone man, you're doing this for you." I said referring to Denise. Dwight shot her with an arrow from his bow. " I don't give a shit." He said. " Daryl, wr need to get back there and figure this out from home. Our home, we need you and everyone back there needs us right now. It's gonna go wrong out here." I told him. " We'll square it. I will, I promise you. Just come back." Michonne added. He glanced at us before turning and walking. " I can't."

" Daryl." I called again, " man I can't!" He yelled, walking away. I finally let him. Rosita quickly followed him, " I can't either." She said. I groaned, turning back the way we came again. " I was meant to be back in Alexandria right now." I told Michonne. What if they got there? " If they are they're dead." Michonne shook her head. " I hope not, we need them alive. We need to find out more." I told her. She nodded, agreeing with me. " We just got stuck with each other. we were lucky, to figure it all out together. I felt like we did, after every, we did. It's not what we thought it was. Hilltop, the Saviours, it's bigger." She gave me a look but before she could speak a whistle was heard. I raised my gun, looking in every direction possible. They surrounded us.

We got tied up and set to lean against a tree. Glancing around the woods I saw Daryl and Rosita creeping up. I shook my head at them but they were already behind them too. Plan was busted.


I could feel something was wrong when they started leading us to some clearing where an RV was parked. A familiar RV. It was getting dark. There were people all around, cars standing in a half circle. I got pulled from where they had me and shoved to my knees near the end of the line, next to Glenn and Rosita. As I scanned the row my eyes landed on Maggie, she lookes bad. Sick even. " Maggie?" I tried grttingnto her but they shoved me down again. " Let's meet the man." The guy smiled and knocked, the door swung open. There stood a guy in a leather jacket, holding a bat over his shoulder.

" We pissing out pants yet?" He asked, jokingly amd walking towards us. " Boy do I have a feeling we're getting close." She smiled, glancing at us all. " It's gonna be pee pee pants city here real soon." He stopped, " which one of you pricks is the leader?" One of his guys nodded to Rick. " He is." Negan walked closer. " Hi, Rick right. I'm Negan. And I do not appreciate you killing my men, also when I sent more of my people to kill your people for killing my people you killed more of my people. Not cool, you have no idea how not cool that shit is but I think you're gonna learn really fast. You are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes." He chuckled, " you see Rick, whatever you do you don't mess with the new world order. It's really very simple, and even if you're stupid which you very well mey be, you can understand it. You ready, here goes. Pay attention." He pointed his bat at Rick. " Give me your shit or I will kill you. today was career day. We invested a lot in today so you can know who I am. You work for me now. You have shit, you give it to me. I know that's a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you most certainly will. You built something, thought you were safe, but the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. You're very much pegged, so much that there's no way out. I want half your shit and if you don't have it you can make, find or steal more and it'll even out sooner or later. So if someone knocks on your door you let us in, we own that door. You try to stop us and we will knock it down. Understand?" He smiled. Rick didn't answer so he leaned down and cupped his ear. " What no answer. You don't think you're gonna get through this without being punished? I don't want to kill you people, just wanna make that clear from the get-go. I want you to work for me, you can't do that if you're dead. I'm not growing a garden but you killed my people, a whole damn lot of them. More than what I'm comfortable with, and for that you're gonna pay." He glanced around, eyes locking onto mine. I gave no fear in my Gase, only sat up straight with a frown. He smiled. " So now I'm gonna beat the holy hell outta one of you. This is Lucille, amd she is awesome. All this is just so we get to pick out which onw of you gets the honor." He walked past them, Abraham stood up straight on his knees and looked Negan in his eyes. " Huh, I gotta shave this shit." He smiled, acting as if Abe didn't just do that. He walked to carl next, " you got one of our guns. You got a lot of our guns. Shit kid, lighten up. At least cry a little." I could feel my anger rise, Maggie turned to me with the best reassuring smile she could muster. I felt a lump in my throat, how could I leave my wife behind like that, I should have stayed. Made sure she's okay instead of running off behind Daryl.

He now walked back, stopping infront of Maggie. " Jesus, you look shitty. Let's just put you out of your misery right now." He lifted his bat which made me jump from my spot, " no, no!" I begged him, some of his guys came to hold me down and put me back in my place. I struggled to get back up but they swung on me, " stop it!" I heard maggie yell. He smiled as I finally let my tears drop, " alright listen. Don't any of you do that again, I will shut that shit down. No exceptions. First one's free, it's an emotional moment. I get it. Sucks don't it, the moment you realize you don't know shit." He had his cocky smile on the entire time.

" This is your kid. Definitely your kid." He laughed. " Just stop it." Rick yelled. " Hey, don't make it easy on me to kill the little future serial killer. I gotta pick someone, everyone at the table waiting for me to order." He whistled, walking over to our side of the row. " I simply cannot decide. I got an idea." He smiled, he pointed to Rick, " eeny, meeny, miny, mo. Catch a tiger by its toe. If it hollers let it go, my mother told me to pick the very best one. And you are it."

My eyes went wide, how could he play with our lives like this. This isn't right.


No, my boy Glenn. Gone get his ass beat.


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