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We've been walking for what seemed like forever, everyone was tired but I pressed them to keep going, we walked past a sign which caught my attention I turned back to the sign and read what it said, ' Terminus'. I glanced at Glenn who had exactly the same look as I did. We decided to follow the path in hopes that find Maggie or Rick or someone.

* Tiiiiime skiiip*

Hours turned into a day, it was late but we were still going. Eugene kept blabbing about the infection but I cut him out, I focused on the road. It got dark quickly. Rosita and Glenn begged we take some rest. It was much needed, I lied in my bag, the photo of Maggie clutched in my hand as I looked at it, the moonlight illuminating her face perfectly. I decided to get some rest.

The next morning it was getting up early and getting back on the road. I wasn't stopping untill I found Maggie. There, on a big map to Terminus, written in blood was a phrase which made my heart almost explode out of my chest. ' YN GO TO TERMINUS MAGGIE, SASHA, BOB.' me and Glenn shared a look before an unusual burst of excitement and adrenaline took over us. We started sprinting in that direction, eventually slowing with a relieved laugh as we jumped on one another, hugging the shit outta the other. I felt tears in my eyes as the others approached.

" They're alive!" Glenn yelled as we started back up again. I was now in the front when Abraham yelled. " Hold up. We're stopping here." He said but I shook my head. " It's barely noon." Glenn nodded in agreement. " I don't give a monkey's left nut, none of us have slept more than a couple hours straight since we went all Kacey Jones." He referenced, I sighed. " It looks safe, we need rest. I get it, y'all need to find her but Rosita and me have our own mission. So we're going in that tower and we're going now." He raised his voiced which made walkers inside start growling. " Oh crap." He muttered. " Hey watch out." He pushed Eugene out of the way which made Tara fall down. The walker splatted onto the ground, blood shooting everywhere. " You okay?" I heard Rosita ask Tara to which she nodded with a groan. " We gotta stay here, help me carry her up." She said to me as I helped her up. " You okay." I asked, she nodded. " You wanna stop or you wanna keep going?" I asked again, Glenn gave me a disapproving look. " Keep going " she groaned. " If she can keep going we can all keep going." I said shooting Glenn a sorry look. I have to find Maggie, he knows that. " Or, you guys can stay here. You don't need us and we don't need you." I told them. " Wow, you're an asshole. She will do anything you ask her to because she thinks she owes you." Rosita said to me. I looked at Tara who was looking down at the ground. " Man up, least stay here for a few hours." She adds but I knew I was so so close to finding Maggie. " We stay untill sundown, I give Eugene here my riot gear and everyone wins." I tell Abraham. " Except her." Rosita denies again but this time Abraham cuts her off. " You ain't her mama, if she says she can walk then she can walk. Sundown." He nods. I heard a scoff from not only Rosita but from Glenn too. He rested for a bit, I gave my gear to Eugene. Glenn didn't want to talk to me, " Glenn, you know I have to find her. You know." I told him but he shook his head. " No Yn. You can still be nice, considerate. Look at the girl, she can barely step on her foot." He motioned to where Tara was sat on the ground with her leg on Rosita's lap. I shook my head too, " she said she can walk. All she had to say was she wanted to stay." I told him, he crossed his arms and stayed silent. A while later we were back on the road, we came to a dark tunnel, the same phrase on the wall, this time it was slightly wet. " We're gaining on them. It's still wet." I told them happily. " Sure as shot we can't go up and over." Abraham mumbled as groaning came from the tunnel. " How bout around?" He asked. " No, well lose a day. If Maggie went through I'm going through." I told him but he pointed to the darkness. " That there is a long, dark tunnel full of reanimated corpses. I'm not going to let Eugene go in there. I say we take the day and go around." He pressed. " I'm no-" he cut me off. " Not gonna do that, I know. So this is where we have to part ways." I looked at Glenn was looking down. " I'm sorry but you're on your own." He said. " No you're not." Tara said, her and Glenn stepping up to me.

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