well well well

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Yn's pov

I jumped up out my seat as Hershel opened the door and walked out. Blood all over him. " And, How'd it go?" I ask eagerly. But still because some of the others were asleep, including Lori and Rick. " He's okay. He'll live. I just, I don't know about Patricia." He sighed and as if on que, she walked out after him. Heading for the front door.

He went to follow her but I stopped him, motioning that I'll do it. I walked out and saw her sitting on the porch steps, crying. Sighing, I took a seat next to her.

" He was a good man. He basically ran this farm, he was my, our rock. I can't believe he's just ... gone." She sniffed out. I patter her back and looked down. " I'm sorry, that I bad mouthed him when I got here. He, he went out and sacrificed himself to save Carl and I don't think anyone of the others would ever attempt it." I tried comforting her. She looked at me, eyes red and swollen. " He didn't mean to shoot him. I know Otis, he would never hurt someone intentionally." Tears escaped her eyes once more. " Hey look, Patricia, I know it wasn't his fault. How could he have known about Carl, behind that deer. But, because of him and his great sacrifice my nephew will live. If I could turn back time I'd not change a thing because, I know it sounds selfish but, he gave his life to save my nephew's and for that I'm so thankful." I said softly. I rubbed her shoulder and stood up, going to head inside. " Thank you. For not blaming him." She softly said from behind me. I looked back at her and nodded.

* Time skip, the next day*

Rick and them were getting ready to head out to look for Sophia when Dale asked Maggie about their water situation. Which lead them to the well where they found the walker.

" Let's just shoot it." Tdawg said. Stupidly. " Let's not. If the water's not contaminated blowing it's brains out would surely do the job." Andrea huffed, looking down the well.

" Maybe some bait. Got any meat lying around?" Shane asked Maggie who immediately went up to the house, coming back with a big chunk.

" It's not going for it. Why?" Tdawg said. Dale signed and shook his head, " probably because it's not kicking and trying to get away." He told Tdawg. " We need live bait." Dale told Shane who immediately looked at me. Now, all eyes were on me.

" Aw c'mon. Glenn's smaller than me." I looked over to Glenn," no offence dude." He shook his head. " None taken." Shane looked back at me and sighed. " We'll hold you up, far from the walked till you lower the rope onto him. Just trust us." He said motioning to the group of people. Maggie was off to the side, a disgusted look on her face. " You people are sick." She commented shaking her head at me.

I sigh, knowing I won't get out of this so I lift my arms, letting Andrea and Tdawg tie the rope around me. I take off my purple Lakers cap and offer it to Maggie, silently asking her to hold it for me. " Okay, if you secured the rope just yell up at us and we'll yank you right out. You got this Yn." Shane tried Comforting me. I nodded and sat on the ledge of the well looming down at the disgusting rotten walker, " what the fuck am I doing with my life." I mutter out as I lower myself, feeling them hold the rope, as they said. " Girl, throw an eye over there would ya." Tdawg asked her as he slowly helped lower me down.

I felt the rope strain and then something at the top snapped and i went plummeting down, the walker grabbing at my feet. " Oh dear god. Get me the fuck outta here!" I yelk up as I try and spider climb away from the walker. I grabbed onto the rope I was supposed to put around the walker and pull myself up a bit. I felt them pulling me up so I looked down, the walker now a safe distance away. The rope was still clutched in my hand so I quickly lowered it and threw it around the reaching walker as I got pulled out and onto the ground. " Jesus Christ. I though I was gunna die down a God damn well." I said looking up just in time to see Glenn throwing up a put away. Maggie stood behind Shane, a worried look on her face.

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