The Tombs

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We were all packing, Maggie handed me my shirts as I stuffed them into my bag. She packed her own too. Hershel was sat outside packing his. I grabbed mine and Maggie's bags and walked out to where Rick and them were. I loaded our stuff into the car and walked to Rick. " I've never seen him this mad. Even with Lori, he'd just shut down." I told him. " He's still a kid, it's easy to forget. " He said and walked around the car.

I walked to Maggie who smiled and hugged me. We got ready to leave.

* Time skip*

Change of plans. We hid, and attacked when they came in. Me and Glenn stood by the gate we welded. When they came out we opened fire. Everyone was shooting, running around and all. They retreated which made us smile. I took off my helmet as Maggie smiled. " We did it." She yelled.

We walked down and met at the ground. Rick stood. " We did it. we drove them out." He said. " We should go after them." Michonne said. " Yeah, they could regroup." Maggie agreed. " So, we take the fight back to Woodbury? We barely made it back last time." Maggie said. " Let's check on the others." Rick changed the topic.

We ran back into the prison where we found Hershel and them. Hershel looked troubled, so did Beth. I shrugged and left it at that. We got ready to strike, Rick and them loading up. I stood with Maggie, " Rick, we're staying. We don't know where the governor is. If he comes back we'll hold him off." I told Rick. " Just the three of us, alright." Daryl agreed. He got on his bike, Rick in the car and they left. I closed the gate and watched them drive off. " They'll be alright." Glenn said, patting my back. I nodded with a small smile.

It was early morning when Rick and them returned. They brought along an entire bus full of people. Rick explained Andrea's death. It was bad, but now we can safely move forward and live comfortably.

* Time skip*

It's been a while. Everyone's settled in good and we've been striving. We started crops and got water running. Everyone helps around. It's truly good.

I lied awake, Maggie next to me. I smiled when she opened her eyes. We got dressed and started with the day's work. I helped Glenn pack the car, we got on the road.

Stopped where Daryl did. " Army came and put up the fence for people to go. Last week when we came there was a bunch of walkers here." He said. " So they just left?" Michonne asked to which I nodded. " Yeah," I pointed to the open fence. " We drew em out, hooked a radio to two car batteries." Sasha explained. " Let's get to it."

We walked in. " Make sure it's safe, grab what you can. Well come back tomorrow with more people." Daryl said as we split up. Glenn hanging with me. We searched the tents and walked to where Daryl opened the place up.

We went in and cleared some out, searched the place. I walked with Glenn. He grabbed some stuff while I stood, looking at the cameras on the shelf. I smiled and grabbed one, putting it in my bag. We walked forward, looking for more stuff. I heard a crash and ran over with Glenn behind me, it was Bob, Daryl was there first. We grabbed the shelf and lifted it up. The roof fell and a walked hing from it's guts. More fell down as we tried getting out stuff. A walked fell in me, biting at my face left and right. One at my feet. I reached for my gun and aimed. I shot them and got up with Glenn's help. We shot at those coming towards us, when I looked up I saw an entire helicopter hanging by threads. It fell down more so I grabbed Glenn and yelled for Daryl to go. We helped Bob out but the boy with us got bit. The walkers ate him as we ran. We got out just in time before the helicopter collapsed.

It was a silent ride back home, we parted ways as soon as we got there. I walked to mine and Maggie's cell and told her what happened. " Daryl's telling Beth." I said, looking at the roof. She sighed. " I'll go see her." She smiled. She walked out leaving me to my thoughts.

* Time skip*

It was late at night when I woke with a cold sweat. We were in the watchtower. Maggie hummed in her sleep and cuddled closer to me. I turned and fell asleep.

The next morning I awoke and pulled on a plain grey shirt and some jeans, Maggie was still asleep. I smiled and crawled over to my bag where I had the camera. She smiled in her sleep so I quickly snapped a picture. She woke up as the camera shuttered. When she saw what I was doing she laughed. " I'll bring you breakfast after perimeter check." I smiled and leaned in but before I could kiss her she grabbed the polaroid. " Oh my god, throw that away." I snatched it and held it up to mt face with a smile. " Yeah, no. It's going in my pocket." I smiled. I got up and opened the latch, dropping down.

I checked the perimeter and walked back to go get breakfast. When I neared the cell block I heard gunshots go off. I immediately began running to see what happened, mika and Lizzie came running out as I neared them. Glenn came around as Rick yelled. " Walkers in D." Glenn yelled as we all ran. " Not a breach. We cleared it all."  I followed Glenn in.

When we got there everyone was in panic. We killed the walkers we could see as we grabbed people. I handed a little boy to Karen as I ran back. We killed them all but there were many fatalities. One came out of the cell next to me and pinned me to the wall, Daryl shot it making me sigh and give him a grateful nod. Glenn helped me up.

We started clearing out the cell block. Making sure everyone else is safe. I walked to Karen, " know what happened?" She sighed and shook her head. " One second everything's fine and the next everyone's running around screaming. I tried but they wouldn't listen." She answered. I smiled softly and patted her on her shoulder. " You did the best you could. Thank you." I walked off, going to Rick. " No bites, no wounds. They just died." He said. " Horribly too."

" Choked to death on his own blood." Hershel said to which I grimaced, I walked off and down the stairs. We gathered in a room and talked. They wanted to quarantine, I was all for it but I didn't like the idea of us with sick ones. We heard a cough. It was Karen, " you don't sound so good." Carol said to which Tyrese shook his head. " We're going back to my cell, so she can rest a bit." He said. " I don't think that's a good idea." Herhsel said. " Why, what's wrong?" Karen asked. I walked to her, " we think it's a flu or something. Its how Patrick died." I told her, " Judith, Carl. They're all in that cell block. They're vulnerable. We need to quarantine." Hershel said.

They agreed to the quarantine, Glenn going to go get David. They walked down the hall, I walked out to go help clean. I helped take out the bodies, wrap them and all. Daryl went to dig the graves. I walked out to find Maggie when she ran over and yelled for us. The fence was going to collapse, I ran over and over with Rick and Daryl. We stabbed them through the fence but they continued to pile, pushing the fence down. I grabbed Maggie's arm and pulled her back, she was behind me as I continued to stab. She scoffed and walked out from behind me and stabbed them. She fell back making me want to help her but she held up her hand, " don't, we're supposed to stay away from each other." She got up and stabbed them again to which I looked at her confused. " Yn!" Sasha yelled which made me snap back and continue. " Take a look at this!" She yelled making me look. Half eaten mice, " someone's feeding these things." She looked at me. " Heads up!" They piled at a point. It started collapsing so we pushed it. I put all my strength into it but it continued to fall. " Give way!" I yelled for everyone to get away as we got the fence upright again. " Get the truck. I know what to do." Rick said making Daryl nod and run off.

I continued to stab them untill i saw what Rick was doing. He was feeding out pigs to them. I shook my head and helped Sasha with the logs. We propped them up against the fence to hold it up. I sighed and slowly walked back, not leaving room for someone to talk.




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