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Rick's POV ( short )

I sat against the car. The thought of what I did, what I had to do still fresh in my mind. Biting that guy's throat off. It was what I had to do. I heard his words echo in my head.

I really need my sister, I need Yn. I hope she's okay, I don't know what I'd do if she's dead. Carl needs her and I know Michonne needs her. I need her.

Daryl came up to me, he grabbed a rag and a bottle of water and wet it, " clean up." He told me. " I didn't know what they were." He said to which I nodded. " How'd you wind up with them?" He sighed. " I was with Beth. We got out together." Though popped into my head. " Is she dead?" I asked but he shrugged. " She's just gone. I don't know. After that they found me. I didn't know they were this bad. They had a stupid code." He said. " You were alone." I nodded. " Said they were looking for some guy, killed one of theirs. I was hanging back, I was gone leave but I stayed. Then I saw you three. When you saw me." He explained. " It's not on you Daryl. It's okay." I comforted him. " You're back here, that's everything. You're my brother." I added. He nodded with a frown.

* Time skip*

We got back to walking. Eventually we got to our destination but I decided to scope it out first. Terminus, it's too much like Woodbury. I made sure to hide a bag of guns and stuff before going in. We jumped the fences and walked in, we got to a room with some people in. " Hello, hello." I said. Everyone turned to us, " I bet Albert is on perimeter watch." The guy looked at us. " You here to rob us?" He asked. " No, we wanted to see you before you saw us." I put my gun away and walked closer to him. " Makes sense. Usually we do this where the tracks meet but Welcome to Terminus. I'm Garreth. Looks like you've been on the road for a good bit." He smiled. " We have." I agreed. " Rick, that's Carl, Daryl and michonne." I introduced to him. He gave a wave. We talked, now he wants out weapons. " Alright." I set my stuff down. They patted us down. After we picked out stuff up and was off with the other guy. He led us outside. We stopped by a redheaded woman.

" Hi, heard you came in through the back door, smart." She smiled st us. " You'll fit right in here." I glanced around and spotted a familiar orange backpack, one was wearing Yn's riot gear and another the poncho Daryl gave Maggie. When the guy handed us plates of food I noticed a way too familiar chain hanging from his pants.

I shoved him against the table and ripped out the pocket watch Hershel gave Yn. My gun to his head. " Where the hell did you get this watch?" I asked calmly. " You want answers? You'll get them when you put down the gun." He said with his hands up. " See your man up the with the sniper rifle. How good's his aim? Where'd you get the watch?" I asked again. " I got if off of a dead one. I didn't think she'd need it " he finally answered but I didn't believe him. Yn wasn't one to just die like that, I know it. " What about the riot gear, poncho." I asked. " We got the riot gear off a dead cop, found the poncho on a clothes line." Garreth said making me turn to him. " Rick, what do you want?" He asked. " Where's our people?" I asked. " You didn't answer the question." I turned just in time to dodged bullet from behind, she shot the guy I held.

Everyone went wild, we ran in every direction possible but they still cornered us. Garreth talked from a container, " drop your weapons. Now." We dropped them when he yelled. " Ringleader, t
Go to your left. The train cart, now." He yelled again. " Do what we say and the boy goes with you, do anything else he dies amd you end up in there anyway." He yelled which made me walk. " Now the archer." He yelled. Daryl followed. " Now the samurai." Michonne was next. " Stand at the door. Ringleader, archer, samurai." He said. " My son!" I yelled. " go kid." He yelled. " Ringleader, open the door and go in." He yelled at me but I shook my head. " I'll go in with him." I yelled back. " Go in now or the kid dies." He yelled. I watched as carl walked up to us. I opened it when Carl was close enough and walked in. Daryl and them followed. Someone came and closed the door as we looked around. " Rick?" I heard a familiar voice. When I turned around i saw Yn walking towards us. I immediately went to pull her into a tight hug, relief taking over me. When we pulled apart I hugged Maggie and checked on the rest too, some were unfamiliar. " You're here." I sighed. I glanced at the girl behind yn, recognizing her. " She's with me, with us." Yn gave me a look to which I nodded. " They're out friends. They saved us." Maggie said. " Yeah, now they're friends of ours." Daryl nodded. " For however long that'll be." The redhead said.

" No, we'll get out." I said, I looked around. " They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out." I squinted, looking out the creak in the door. " Find out what?" The redhead asked. I glanced at him, " they're screwing with the wrong damn people here." I said giving them a determined look. Slowly one by one of our people's faces turned into having the exact same look I had on.

We're gonna get out of here, I know we are. We've survived worse, even if we're some members short. Together, as the family we've grown to become we can overcome anything.


It was time I incorporate some more Rick into this story. I realized he lacked in action at the prison, he'll be there more often. I'll see to it.


Survive ( Maggie Greene x GP Yn)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon