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When I awoke we were on something moving. I turned to see new girl next to me, she sat upright. Glenn was on the other side of me. " Don't move, here's some water." She handed me a flask, " where are we?" My voice was hoarse. " I don't know. We were fighting biters and you passed out on the side of the road." She said. I turned to Glenn. " Did we pass the bus?" I asked him, " yeah, it was empty. Walkers everywhere." He looked down. I sighed and turned to the window. Banging on it. " Hey stop the truck." I yelled but they just threw me the bird which made me bang harder. The others began banging. I grabbed my gun and banged on the window, it shattered after the third blow which made them stop abruptly. I grabbed mt shit and got off, the other two following. " Where the hell are you going?" A huge redhead asked. " Where the hell's she going?" " Hey I don't know what your friends told you about our mission but its time sensitive amd we're already way behind schedule so i need you to turn your ass back around and get back in the truck." He pointed his finger in my face which made my nerves flare, " i gotta go." I told him but he wasn't having it, " it seems you need a warning about the hell on earth that we've been living in. So lemme tell ya how it's best to avoid winding up just another dead alive prick." He said again. I got angrier. " You find some strong comrades you stay stuck together like wet on water. We need people, the more the better. Even with all that gear on your back you won't last a night. Not by yourself." He was getting to close to my face. " I'll take my chances." I gritted and walked around him but again he stopped my bug grabbing my shoulder. I shoved his hand off of my shoulder as he blabbed about the human race. " What the hell are tou talking about?" I was sure he was some crazy bitch. " Who is this guy." I looked at Glenn. " I'm Sargent Abraham Ford. These are my companions. Rosita Espinosa and doctor Eugene Porter. Eugene has to get to Washington DC, he's a scientist and he knows exactly what caused this mess. " I turned to look at him. He doesn't look like a scientist. " Alright, so what happened?" I tested. " It's classified." The ' doctor' said. " He's been talking to his science people on a satellite phone for the past couple weeks. Nobody's been picking up. We saw how you handled those corpses back there, we could use your help." I shook my head. " Sorry, can't help." Again, I walked around him. " I had to get us off that road. You were passed out and we barely had any bullets left." New girl said. Glenn nodded, " but she knows how to get us back to the bus. She wrote down every turn we took, every sign wr passed." He said to which I nodded. " That's where she'll go to find me, thats were we'll go." I told Glenn who nodded. " Its a waste of time, Tara told us what happened, there's a zero chance you'll find your wife again. Alive or dead." The redhead continued to piss me off. " Sorry but she's gone, no need for you to die too." I stopped dead in my tracks. I let the bag slip off of my shoulder and gave Glenn a glance. He shook his head but I didn't listen, I turned and swung one hell of a punch at the guy's face. He fell to the side as Tara grabbed me. Glenn sighed as I grabbed my stuff. " She's alive, and I'm gonna find her." I started walking again. " Son of a bitch!" He yelled and tackled me to the ground. Glenn and the other two came to help me pull him off. I threw back my elbow and temporarily knocked him off. He turned me on my back and choked me, I hit his arm but he wouldn't budge, he only let go when gunshots were heard. I tried catching my breath as I grabbed my gun and helped them out. Tara and Glenn did too.

When the walkers were all out down I sighed and glanced at Glenn who looked at their car. It was done for. The redhead checked the gas tank, trying to fix it. He was babbling about some story. " -so tell me how in the holy hell did you kill this truck." He asked as he got out from under it. Eugene gave him some smartass answer which I'm nit here to listen to, I nudged Glenn but got cut off by Rosita talking next to me. She turned to Glenn with a picture in hand, " is this yours?" She asked him. He grabbed the picture and shook his head before handing it to me. It was the photo of maggie, I glanced at Rosita before trying to wipe the dried blood off of the corner. I shoved it into my pocket, " thanks."

" Sorry bout your truck, hope you guys make it to Washington." I said before motioning Glenn to follow me. Tara handed her gun over too and ran after me, " wait for me!" She came up behind me. Slowly the rest of them followed after us, I grabbed my bag and continued walking. Glenn gave me a soft smile and held out his hand for a fist bump. I smiled and bumped his fist with mine. Tara showed us the way further, everyone in their own silence.

It was silent, my mind kept drifting to Maggie, Rick and Carl. Are they okay? Is Judith with Rick? Did Michonne make it after all? I just prayed to God that Maggie's still alive, that Rick and the rest of my family made it somewhere safe. I couldn't wait to reunite with them, to have Beth sing along with Maggie again. To bicker with Rick about who gets the last piece of chocolate or to steal some of Carl's comics to read. I missed the smell of Judith's baby soap and the way Michonne always tried to trip me when I walked next to her.

I missed my family.


I can't, I'm literally dying over here.

Quick qna: How do y'all feel about a book about H2o, just add water? After this one of course. I've been thinking, you can't really find books on that and I know there's a whole lotta people who love that show. Myself included.


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