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We were now sitting in Hershel's living room. Everyone was arguing. Dale looked around the room. " I at least have some security knowing me and Glenn know what's right." Dale said shaking his head. He snapped to Glenn when he didn't agree with him, his head now turning to me. " Yn? You've always seen the good in people?" He sounded desperate which made me feel guilty. " he's a threat to not only us but to Maggie and her family too, Dale. I'm sorry." I didn't make eye contact with him as he scoffed and made his way to the door before stopping by Daryl and putting his hand on his shoulder. " You're right. This group is broken." Was his last words before stepping out.

We all dispersed and I found Dale standing by his RV. I walked towards him, " hey, dale." I said softly. He smiled at me, " hey Yn." I felt the emotions radiating off of him. " you okay dale?" I asked looking at him. " I just don't understand how you can kill someone so easily. I thought out of all people, you would have my back. I cared for you like you were my own daughter, Yn. I only expected this small favour." He rambled which made me feel even more bad. I sighed and looked out onto the land. " I'm sorry Dale. I look up to you as if you're my own father but that man is dangerous and I don't want him anywhere near Maggie. " tired to reason. He sighed and nodded before pulling on a chain he had around his neck, " Yn. I want you to have this. This ring was given to my grandma by my grandpa and then to my mother by my father. I married my wife with this ring and now I want you to have it." He handed me the chain with the ring dangling from it. " Dale, thank you for trusting me." I gave him a hug as I slipped the chain onto my neck.

Later that night I was seated in my tent with Glenn. We were looking at all the comic books we had found over time. He laughed as I grabbed my marvel comic from him. " aw c'mon. We can share, I wanna read the marvel comic." He protested trying to grab it back but we both stopped when we heard Andrea yelling and crying for help.

Immediately we sprinted out only to see Dale on the ground, half of his intestines hanging out. I panicked as Andrea fell to the ground by Dale. " Hershel! Hershel, we need help!" Glenn yelled out as the rest of my group came out. Hershel arrived, Rick wanted to move him over to the house but Hershel said that it was no use, he would die if we moved him. Dale was crying out in pain when our eyes met. I knew exactly what he wanted, I felt my lower lip quiver as I pulled my gun out and pointed it at him while getting on one knee. He nodded softly and pressed his head to the gun, " I'm sorry, Dale." I whispered as I pulled the trigger. The bang echoed. I felt Maggie's arms around my shoulders trying to get me to stand up but I couldn't, I let a few silent tears slip as I stared at the old man infront of me.

" Yn. Come on baby. Come." I heard Maggie as she pulled me up and towards her house. We got inside and immediately went to her room where she lied me down, lying next to me with her head on my arm. We didn't say anything, just lied in one another's embrace, slowly falling asleep.

*Next morning*

I was stood next to my brother with Maggie and Hershel opposite of us. It was starting to get colder, " it'll be tight, fourteen people in one house." Hershel said to which I nodded. " it'll be okay, we'll make it work." Rick answered.

We had a small funeral for Dale and after that I went back to normal. I felt the pain but I didn't show it. " Alright, let's get our stuff situated and pull the cars up to the exit doors." Rick nodded at us as we went our way to pack up. Maggie helped me pack my stuff and carry it to her house. I set my box down by the couch even tho she wanted me to sleep in her room. I didn't want to upset Hershel before even getting to sleep a night in the house so I opted for the couch with Glenn.

We were getting our stuff set up when we heard Rick yell, " Randall's gone!" He yelled as we all sprinted out. I found my brother standing next to Shane, who had a bloodied nose. " Little bitch got the jump on me. Took my gun and bashed me in the face." He yelled out angrily. I raised one of my brows, knowing that the cop was more than capable of defending himself with the police training they received. " he made a run for it into the woods." Shane said.

Me and Rick shared a glance, both knowing something doesn't add up. " alright, we'll go look for him. Shane, you're with me. Yn take Glenn and Daryl. " I nodded and walked off with Glenn and Daryl following behind. We searched for a bit before eventually finding the guy. He was dead, a Walked but he wasn't bit. His neck was snapped. We all immediately knew what it had meant, Shane had killed him.

They were suddenly cut off by a gunshot, everyone started to panic as Daryl told them he'd go back in and see what's what. They started arguing, I, not knowing what to do yelled. " enough!" I yelled making them stop and look at me." has and of you seen Carl?" Lori suddenly asked from behind me. I shook my head. " he's probably with Ri-" I cut myself off when I saw a herd. They were moving towards the house. I panicked.

" okay, T-dog and Glenn. You two take the car and try and kill as many as you can by the gate. Lori, you girls get inside and grab everything you can. Load the cars. Maggie, you're with me." I immediately started shooting the walkers that got too close. Hershel joined in and helped us but it wasn't enough. " c'mon, we gotta go. Now!" I yelled to the two of them as we rushed to the car nearest to us. I hopped in and started the car, Maggie getting into the passenger side. Hershel flung the door behind mine open an got in just in time, making me speed off. I headed to the main road, " don't worry, I'm sure they'll all head back to the highway." I muttered as I pressed the gas harder.

I smiled as we turned onto the highway seeing them all standing there. We got out and I got pulled into a hug by Glenn, smiling I hugged him back before moving to Rick. He looked traumatized. " Shane, he. He tried to kill me, I had to do it, Yn. I didn't have another choice. " he whispered as I pulled him into a hug. " It's okay, Rick. We all knew he would eventually try something. You did the right thing." He nodded as we pulled away. " who else?" I asked. " Patricia, Jimmy and Andrea." Glenn said, looking down. I signed and nodded.

We didn't have a home anymore, but at least we had one another.


And hoe bout that.


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