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a man in a dark room sitting on a king-sized chair while looking towards the screen which was showing Manvi's pictures and Holi's pictures while he was looking towards her in Obsessed Manner while sipping his drink

But suddenly a picture came on the screen in which manvi was kissing Abhimaan's lips in front of their family members makes him angry and gripped his glass tightly causing it to break while he was not looking less than demon-red eyes, nerves popped out from his forehead

" You did the very wrong baby," he said while moving towards the screen

" Just because of this fucker you left me and this bloody bastard snatched you, my mafia position from me but don't worry baby once I get you he will definitely get weak and you will become mine again and I will teach you while fucking you every day and night," he said and put on the screen which injured his hand

" You are mine just fuking mine


I was resting my head on my palm which was supported by the bed and looking towards my angel who was sleeping but making sounds in her sleep I knew she couldn't sleep because of the effect of bhang while I was stroking her cheeks and remembered what act she pulls and made me surprise when she pulled me into a kiss in front of our family members but I love it when she said me I'm the father of our children it makes me happy I also want to become a father as I'm twenty-nine in few months I will turn thirty but my angel I still twenty-four once she is comfortable we will have baby

I was looking towards her lovingly and kissed her lips but she opened her eyes and rubbed them while having a furrow on her face

" Kya hua jaan" I Said while pulling her towards me but she was looking at her surrounding
( What happened, Jaan)

" What are we doing here maan," she said while turning towards me and resting her head on my bicep

" Sleeping"

" But we were playing Holi, then how we come here" she said while I removed her baby hair from her face but her face had a furrow

" What happened Angel"

" My head is hurting maan," she said while having a painful expression on her face and looked at her clothes and then mine

" Why I'm wearing your shirt maan and you are only in your undergarment " she said

" You drink thandai which was having Bhang," I said while she was having a shocked expression

" Really," she said while I nodded my head

" Did we do that maan?" she said while fighting with her index fingers which made me confused

"What do that?"

"Ara, did we do something something?"

"What something something" I said while looking towards her face

" Oh did we do ding dong " she said which made me understand what she meant as she used making love as ding dong because of shyness which I also find cute but I am used to it

"No Jaan I can never take advantage of you while you are not in your senses," I said while she looked towards loving eyes

" I know Maan I trust you, but I don't trust myself what if I forced you, who knows," she said while shrugging her shoulder making me laugh at her cute act

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