Chapter 23

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"Oh man! Who could possibly have a gem like her?"

"Who do you think, dummy?"


"Hey, keep your voice down!"


You couldn't resist a small laugh as you stepped away from the door, turning to face your room. You halted abruptly, shocked at what your eyes saw.

You'd expected to see a room of cold white stone with a matching white bed, much like the movies had shown, with a bright white light streaming through grey-white lace curtains. But this was like nothing you'd expected at all. The room itself was not a bright white, and the walls were not of white stone, but of a dark warm wood almost with a reddish tinge. The room was lit by the occasional candle sticking out of the wall, and by a warm fireplace set at the far end of the room beside a wooden desk, along with a wooden chair. Everything in the room was almost wooden, and, as you took another step further into it, it almost made you feel as if you were in the woods, with faint sunlight streaming through the treetops. Except there were no trees here, besides a small plant in a brown-orange pot set beside a candle on the desk. And to suit the mood of the room, there was a medium-sized window, the frames and rails all the same brown-red wood. It was already open, and a soft breeze blew the dark green lace curtains gently. A large shelf was positioned to the left of the desk, up against the wall, with countless books placed neatly on the shelves. Books were not the only things placed on the shelves though, no; small plants in tiny pots sat on the shelves, ranging from all different kinds of plants you'd never seen before, but each unique in its own sort of way. They were exceptionally small, and it was almost like a decoration to the large shelf. A neatly made king-sized bed was positioned in front of the shelf, against the wall. It had a creamy bed-sheet with reddish-brown pillows, and a dark brown blanket. The bed's structure itself was the same dark brown as the blanket, and small, intricately carved leaves were carved into the wood.

You took another step forward, mesmerised by the sight of the beautiful room. You glanced down as your feet touched solid wood, and was surprised as no creak sounded. You slipped off your white sneakers and shoved them off to the side by the door, then slowly made your way over to the desk. You unstrapped your bow from your back and leant it against the chair, and unsheathed your knives, setting them carefully on the desk. You let out a content sigh, falling onto the bed beside you. You were surprised as you almost thought it was going to swallow you whole, but managed to relax as you allowed yourself to rest your weary bones. It was truly the best bed you'd ever laid upon. You found yourself closing your eyes involuntarily, and you forced them open, staring at the ceiling. What you wouldn't do for some music right now. Just laying down on the comfiest bed in the world, zoning out, listening to Tony Anderson... hold up who was Tony Anderson? You frowned, refusing to let go of the sudden memory. A singer, perhaps? No...that couldn't be right. A DJ! No, that wasn't it either. All you knew was that he produced music. That was it. You sighed and rolled over onto your side, facing the shelf. Your gaze flickered over the countless books, lost in their autumn colours. Warm greens, yellows, oranges and browns. There were even some warm dark blues, and a large portion of the books had small gold symbols on the side of them, and you recognised a small dragon on the side of one, its jaws wide and its tail curved. You saw a snake on another, and a royal crown on yet another. Your gaze stopped on a book with no symbol, and you peered closely at it, refusing to sit up and take a closer look. It was a small brown book, and rather thin, and it looked as if it was made of leather. Your curiosity getting the better of you, you reluctantly sat up and swung your legs over the side of the bed. You reached up and grabbed the book, then shifted so you were no longer half on the bed but in the middle of it, sitting cross-legged. The back of the book was blank, so you gently flipped the book over in your hands. The book felt so fragile, yet you knew it would not break, so you felt the need to treat it with the utmost care. The cover of the book had a leaf carved into it, and you absentmindedly rubbed your thumb over it, tracing the patterns. You realised that it was definitely not leather, though you weren't sure what else it could be. You slowly opened the book, and it revealed a creamy page with small letters written with black ink in the centre. It was clearly Elvish, though you weren't too familiar with the language. You turned the page, and once again there was more elvish written on another creamy page, except this time it covered much more of the page, and it was impossible neat. You turned the page again, not even bothering to try and read the beautiful language. This time when you turned the page, you were greeted with a drawing. At first you thought it was a photo, but then you remembered that duh, this was Middle Earth, they don't have cameras here. The drawing was that of a lonely fawn in a forest, all in black and white and many shades of grey. It was almost as if the artist at the time had been sitting in a tree, as the drawing was drawn that way, looking down at the fawn as it nibbled on some grass. A small note scribbled in the corner of the page caught your attention, blending in with the forest. But, once again, it was in Elvish, so you couldn't understand it. You turned the page once more, admiring the drawing one more time. You stopped on the next page, and you raised a hand to your mouth to stop yourself from letting loose a sound of surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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