Please Be Kind

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In which a late night visit to the park leads to Sun, the twins and Killcode to having a deep talk about the pastel animatronic's critical nature. (Continuation of the Ghost Whisperer AU.)


"Fall to your knees in terror, my brother! I have risen to the sky, my superior strategy will make you cry!" Bloody declares, pointing down at Bleed from where he stands on the branch of a tree.

"Oh, is that so? Don't make me laugh, your "superior" strategy still leaves you open to many a gaff! I'll take bow down, and to me I will force you to bow!" Bleed retorts with a wide grin, then he proceeds to start throwing rocks up at Bloody, who will catch some and throw them right back. Both of them look like they're throwing to hit their target and I would be concerned if I didn't know that this is just how they play-fight. Killcode watches with a little chuckle, shaking his head as he leans against the backrest of the bench.

"It can never be said that the pair is not creative. They do find entertainment in even the littlest of things and most barren of lands, do they not?"

"That they do," I agree, smiling as I look to him. "All they need is each other, and they can play pretend forever, I'd think."

"Indeed. They are truly the most creative and playful animatronics I've ever seen, not counting Lunar. I am deeply glad that the afterlife has brought them peace."

At that, my smile falls and I let out a soft sigh. "If only it didn't have to be this way, though. Maybe I could have found a way to cure their hunger when they were alive and-"

"Sun," Killcode begins quietly, cutting me off as he lays a hand on my shoulder. "I know you have discussed it with the twins before. They have openly admitted that change was not on their minds in life, that all they cared for was doing harm for the enjoyment of it. Even if you had sated their hunger with blood bags or rats, it wouldn't have been enough. They were cursed to always need bigger prey to hunt and devour. Not to mention, continuing to look back at the past and the "what ifs" only blinds you to the opportunities of the future."

"... Right," I agree, nodding a bit as I look back to the twins. "I just need to enjoy the present." Even though some things in my present still feel like they shouldn't be so. Like I could have changed them had I been smarter.

Killcode gently squeezes my shoulder even as he keeps his gaze towards the twin, and he takes a stern tone as he murmurs, "Enough. I can sense your self-deprecation and it will not help you. It is not a matter of "intelligence," Sun, it is a matter that those who could not be saved in life were doomed of their own volition, as harsh as that may sound."

"How did you know what I was thinking?"

"When it comes to matters such as your lack of confidence in your abilities and intelligence, you have a few tells. Your eyes dim, and you look at your hands in frustration," He answers, looking down at my hands with a deeper frown. "Because every time you think of, "I should have done things differently," it is always about the runes, first and foremost. As if you could control your mind rebelling against you and causing you to harm yourself."

"... I should have been able to control it," I mutter, fingers curling to fists in frustration. "Why could I not control my own body? Why did I sabotage myself, and sabotage Moon, too? He needed me to finally do something right for once in my life, and I-!"

"Enough!" He hisses, and I flinch back at the tone as my gaze snaps to him. Even the twins have stopped playing and are dead silent hearing their father's anger. "If it were anyone else in your place, you would not treat them with such a lack of understanding and patience! You would console them and stand firmly with the belief that nothing more could have been done, and that one's mind and body are not always so easily controlled- so why do you not give yourself that same consideration?! You have gone through more than enough tragedy and pain in your life to the point that it is more than understandable that you cracked under such immense pressure! Why will you not give yourself a break?!"

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