SAMS Trauma Thoughts

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Basically, this is a continuation of SAMS Stuff and Thangs, because someone on AO3 asked how I thought everyone would handle trauma and another user asked me to make a chapter for it. So, here goes! (TW: General discussion of trauma, mention of using eating as a coping mechanism, self-destructive/harmful behaviors of varying degrees.)


Sun: One of his first responses to trauma and stress in general, he yanks on his rays as hard as he can, to the point that he gets "hardware damage imminent" notifications. He also just bottles it all up, and doesn't try to actually process or cope with what he's been through, he doesn't have any hobbies that calm him down. That is literally canon, by the way, he said during the Q&A video that he doesn't do anything to relax. Somebody please help this guy-

Eclipse: Slightly better at handling his trauma than Sun, but for the most part he's very bad at it and bottles up a lot of his grief, guilt and trauma. He does talk to Roxy about it every once in a while when they meet up for their trash binges, but sometimes he still just doesn't want to talk about it. And he also, of course, eats trash to cope and try and feel like he has control over something.

Solar: He is equally as bad at Sun at handling his trauma, if not worse. He doesn't just bottle it up, he denies having trauma, period. He sees it as a weakness and refuses to be weak, so he sweeps everything under the rug. He doesn't have abandonment issues, what are you talking about?

Lunar: All things considered, he handles his trauma fairly well. He has a support system in his family and friends and canonically trusts them enough to talk it out with them. Sometimes he'll physically distance himself from traumatizing things for his emotional benefit.

Earth: About the same as Lunar. She has a support system in her new family and friends and is willing to trust them with her trauma.

Bloodmoon: Collectively, both halves of Bloodmoon are pretty bad at handling their trauma because they don't understand it. The two can talk to each other about these strange, unwelcomed feelings but overall they might make things worse for theirselves on accident.

Moon: He hides his trauma to be strong for his brothers and processes it privately. Every so often he'll reach out to Monty, but mostly keeps to himself. He doesn't bring it up around others unless it's to try and relate to them and help them through their own troubles.

Monty: I'll be honest, it's hard to say for Monty. Maybe he copes in his own unique way by cranking up the stereo and shredding on his bass. Just ripping it up on the stage in Gator Golf with no one watching.

(Bonus answer, New Moon: Anger. He copes with trauma by making himself angry instead of sad or scared and then trashing his room in rage. He never does this where Eclipse can hear.)

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