Ghosts of the Red Moon

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Sun and Moon Show one-shot, dedicated to my friend Prismistic except idk their Wattpad so I can't actually dedicate it to them.


"You killed us without hesitation! For that, we will show you no consideration," Bloodmoon snarls, glaring up at Sun hatefully. "And how dare you try to play innocent? Your retribution is increasingly more imminent! Don't try and ignore us now, we can see the sheen of sweat upon your brow! Take another step back and we'll start a row, you fake, sorry cow!"

"I'm sorry, okay? I- I don't know what else to say, I'm just so, so sorry! I know I shouldn't have done it, b- but I was just scared, a-a-and then I got mad and-"

"Excuses, excuses! You let your emotions become our nooses! You can't turn back from this path, so you'll face our wrath!"

Bloodmoon stalks forward, their eyes burning with white-hot fury and claws splayed with violent intent. Sun tries to stand his ground, to not buckle to what's only a projection of trauma made by his mind... And all he gets for his troubles are the deep gouges made in the plastic of his arm by Bloodmoon's claws.

"AGH!" He cries out in pain and stumbles back, falling into the floor and squeezing his eyes shut as they brim with tears. "Please, stop! I don't want to fight anymore, I- I just want to be left alone!"

"Awww, poor little mouse, he can't find peace within his mind's house!" The red animatronic taunts, then they stomp their foot and laugh as Sun flinches back, curling in on himself with a sob. "Cry and cry the day away, but at the end of it you will pay." They lean down with a twisted grin and touch the claw of their index finger to his cheek, then they slowly drag it across the plastic of his face-plate and leave a nasty scratch.


"It no longer suits us to slaughter mortals and run rivers red, what we want is to break you and let your black ichor smear our claws instead!"

They scratch him again and the solar animatronic lets out a little shriek, crying harder and clutching his cheek. "Please no more, please no more! I'm sorry, Bloodmoon, I'm sorry!"

"Your apologies are nothing but falsities, and of hearing them we tire, you fucking liar! Now open your eyes and get ready to scream, because we-"

"Stop it, Sun! Look at yourself, what have you done?!"

"Hh?!" Despite the voices having been here the whole time, the sound of one twin interrupting the other and sounding so scared has him startling, his eyes snapping open and looking up.

It honestly doesn't seem like much has changed at first glance- he's still confronted with the red animatronic, their face contorted in fury... N- no, that's worry. And it's not the one, there's two, and why do they look translucent like that?

All he can do is stare in confused and frightened silence, cerulean gaze flickering between the twins. Both look positively horrified by what they're seeing, and the one who interrupted- the one who's voice marks him as Bleed- is the one who inches a bit closer, cringing as Sun flinches and shrinks back.

"Shhh, shh, it's alright," He whispers, crouching a little to make himself seem smaller and retracting his claws. "Please don't take flight. I know that we've only in the past been scary, but you no longer need to be wary, precious little canary."

"Please don't hurt me," Sun whimpers, hiding his face with a hiccup as the twin before him touches one of his hands. The red animatronic's touch is a bit chilly and makes his sensors tingle like they do when they go numb. Almost like they're reacting to a touch that's not truly there... Then he feels two light taps on the back of his hand and hesitantly looks.

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