SAMS Stuff and Thangs

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In which I rip off Tales Across the MultiBurst again and fill out multiple of the Snake Pit activity prompts with the crew of the Sun and Moon Show! This is basically going to go down like they're in an alternate universe where Bloodmoon isn't dead and everyone is being coerced into being together for... Reasons??

Bloodmoon will sometimes be either one or two entities. Bloody is the half voiced by Davis, and Harvest is the one voiced by Reed. Evil Eclipse is gonna be called Solar while nice Eclipse keeps his name, because he's deserves it. :) Also, nice Eclipse's Moon is mentioned a few times, so he'll be called New Moon for simplicity.


On a long car ride?

The one driving: Sun

Riding shotgun, pretending to be asleep: Moon

Second row: Bloodmoon, Eclipse and Solar, in that order.

Third row: Lunar and Earth.

Strapped to the top of the car: Monty.

Earth and Lunar: Talking about all kinds of bugs and absolutely agreeing that spiders are precious.

Bloodmoon and Solar: Bickering and arguing about who's stronger, smarter and more dangerous.

Also Bloodmoon, hovering their finger right by Solar's arm: "We're not touching you, we're not touching yoooou!"

Solar: "I will rip your hand off if you don't get it away from me THIS INSTANT!"

Eclipse: Trying to mediate Bloodmoon and Solar's argument while also trying to hold a conversation with Lunar and Earth.

Sun: "Solar, Bloodmoon, I will turn this car around! Or better yet, I'll dump you three on the side of the road!"

Moon, yanking the brim of his nightcap over his eyes: God, this is the noisiest car ride I've ever been on.

Eclipse: "Why don't you two just agree to disagree and stop arguing?"

Bloodmoon: "And let Sun-man get the last laugh? Not likely!"

Solar: "You know that's not my name!"

And thus, the bickering continues.

When they're at a rest stop...

Eclipse: Nearly throws himself out of the car to get a reprieve from the arguing and then he wanders as far away from Solar and Bloodmoon as he can. "My audio receptors are ringing, send help-"

Sun: "Does anyone need to take a potty break? Because we're not making another stop after this!"

Everyone else, staring at him:

Sun: "It's habit from the daycare, okay? After all, a certain two animatronics are acting like children."

Solar and Bloodmoon: Glaring indignantly in response.

Also Sun: Refills the gas in the car just in case.

Lunar: Gets a bag of gummy candies from the convenience store they're stopped at.

Earth: Gets a little magazine about bugs.

Monty: Gets a bottle of water to rinse out his mouth, because he accidentally inhaled a million bugs on the drive over.


When they go camping...

Moon: "I get to start the fire!"

Sun: "Please don't burn down the forest, Moon."

Moon: "Why would I do that while we're in it?"

Solar: "Ugh, I don't understand why we're doing this. Why would anyone want to sleep in the dirt with bugs and wild animals?"

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