It Can't Be True...

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In which we see the nice Eclipse's reaction to Lunar's demise, and see what he does afterwards. (SAMS one-shot, suggested by Sishere on AO3. I'm not entirely sure whether or not this is connected to the MoT,TMM timeline or not.)



The moment I read those words, I feel consumed by dread. My stomach sinks and I feel like I'm going to throw up, nausea burning in my throat and gut.

I can't even get myself to click on the video. I'm just staring at the title, staring at the thumbnail. Lunar looking scared with the evil Eclipse encloaked in shadow in the background. It's so cartoonish and stupid but I still just want to pull Lunar out of the thumbnail and hug him tightly, make sure he's okay, keep him safe.

It's way too late to keep him safe. I physically flinch at that thought, gripping my rays so tightly it hurts. No! No, no, no, he's not dead! It- it has to be a clickbait title, or- or an exaggeration, it- it has to be anything but true!

But there's only one way to know for sure. Reluctantly, scared to know the answer, I click on the video.

It starts to play, starting with the intro card and tense music. The Monty from Lunar's world runs into the house they let Lunar stay in, calling out for him and finding him right where the evil Eclipse left him. Monty starts working on getting Lunar unfrozen, comforting him and telling him he doesn't need to be scared.

"He's gonna come back, he's gonna come back, he's gonna come back," Lunar whispers frantically to himself, burying his face in his hands. I feel my servos tighten with heartbreak for him. It hurts to see him this way...

"Lunar, listen- listen. Where we go right now, it doesn't matter. I will make sure you're safe," Monty tells him, their voice steadfast and determined. Full of resolve to keep Lunar safe.

See? It is okay, it's all okay. He was with the other Monty, the good Monty, and they're keeping him safe. They care about him. They wouldn't let anything hurt him.

They start to leave the house, to go to Monty's safehouse of some kind, but... The evil Eclipse is waiting outside on the sidewalk. As Lunar starts panicking I feel myself beginning to shake with dread, silently hoping and praying that Monty can stop that bastard.

Apparently, Eclipse wants to talk with Lunar. At first, Monty and Lunar vehemently refuse, wary of him for very good reason, th- then Eclipse threatens to kill Monty. To blow up their skull. He even starts counting down five seconds.

"One... Two..."

"Do- don't touch him!" Lunar croaks out, glancing between Monty and Eclipse frantically. The former doesn't say anything, doesn't break down begging for Lunar to talk to Eclipse- to do it and save them like my world's Monty would. They're just quiet, not doing anything to push Lunar either way. "Please, Eclipse!"


Monty gently lays their hand on Lunar's head. Whether it was their intention to or not, it causes Lunar to snap, yelling out, "FINE!"

He approaches the red tyrant, the psychopath, and Monty tries to follow only to get pushed back by something- some invisible barrier that burns on contact, from the looks of it. Lunar reassures them, tells them he'll be fine. Then he starts talking to Eclipse.

Talking about how long it's been since Lunar was created, talking about Eclipse's plans with the other daycare animatronics and the Star. And then...

"Lunar... I'm going to give you a couple seconds," Eclipse mutters, staring down at him coldly.

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