Anchors Away, Newbie!

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A week has passed, and now the new addition to the daycare is ready to come to work! What kind of animatronic will she be? Will she be able to adapt to the chaos of the daycare and be a good member of the crew? (TABB AU.)


Slidin' around, banging into the walls, bouncin' like a damn ball, tha's how this entire ride has been goin' since I first climbed aboard this blasted truck! I've long since stopped tryin' to dig my claws in to stay steady, it keeps me from slidin' right 'til we hit a bump in the road an' I'm thrown up two feet off the bottom o' the truck.

Tch, where are we even goin' at this rate? The middle o' nowhere? Why in the devil is it taking so long t' get where we're goin'?! The truck hits yet another bump in the road, bouncin' me up an' then droppin' me down before I go flyin' into the wall as it pulls a turn sharper than my cutlass. "GAH!" I groan softly an' push away from the wall only to fall flat on my face after yet another bump, my temper flarin' up fiercely as I shout back, "DO YE ACTUALLY KNOW HOW T' DRIVE, YE LAND LOVER?!"

"Ahh, shut up back there! I can't fix the roads!" The driver snaps back.

"But ye could fix yer foul handle of the wheel, could ye not?!"

He grumbles indiscernibly an' jus' continues t' drive the truck like he ain't err passed his driver's test. I scoff t' myself, diggin' my claws in while I wait fer the ache in my casin' to ebb from gettin' tossed about like a ragdoll. Even the rough an' ragin' seas weren't this unforgivin'... I half expect t' land in the middle o' nowhere at this rate! Tch, how fittin' tha' right when I was about t' find a way out o' this blasted life of "entertainment," I get bought like some sort o' toy an' dragged off! An' probably t' somewhere far, far away from-

With a loud screech of the brakes, the truck comes t' a stop an' I brace myself to keep from skiddin' into the back wall, growlin' in annoyance. "What now?"

"We're finally here, that's what! Now I can finally get your whiny ass out of my truck," The driver remarks, slammin' his door shut as he gets out of the truck. I roll my eyes an' keep an ear up as he walks around t' the back, an' then the doors swing open. Not a lot o' light comes pourin' into the truck, an' as I peer around the no-drivin' land lover I realize we're in some sort o' dark basement, which doesn't fill me with much confidence that I'm not about to be a part o' a horror movie.

"Alright, "scallywag," get out," The driver orders, movin' out of the way so I can climb out. I lower myself onto the floor, looking around the dimmed room with a grimace.

"What is this? Davy Jones's locker?"

"Ha ha, funny. No, it's just the loading bay of the Mega Pizzaplex." He shuts the doors behind me, closin' off my route of escape- not tha' I would get back in tha' truck even with a gun t' my head. One of the members of the daycare staff should be down to get you and take you to the daycare soon, so just stay here."

Ahh, aye, jus' what I've been hopin' fer, more humans t' come an' boss me around like I'm nothin' but a swabbie. I growl quietly, glancing at the driver as he begins walking away. "Why can't ye jus' show me where t' go, huh?"

"Not my job! I'm not a newbie babysitter."

"O' course," I sigh, watchin' him go through the door to the right an' leavin' me alone. Not tha' I'm at all distressed t' be lackin' tha' land lover's company, but it's damn annoyin' t' get dragged all the way here an' then told t' jus' stay put for who knows how long! I ain't keen t' wait all day an' night for some greasy old rat t' finally come around an'-

My train of thought comes t' a halt as I hear doors openin', turnin' my gaze t' the wall ahead as the red double doors swing open an' shut, another animatronic steppin' into the dim room. He looks straight ahead at me an' walks closer an' closer, but as he does I feel this crawlin' in my wires as I take in the look o' his blank face an' empty smile.

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