Miss Me, Flicker?

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In which I am terribly distraught over today's episode and thus must alleviate my distress by fantasizing about the best ending possible.


"I don't wanna die," I whisper, feeling a painful lump form in my throat as my tear resolves activate, droplets trailing down my face-plate. "Somebody save me!"

If only it were that easy. If only life was so kind that I could call out for help and then actually get it, but it's not. If it were, then Eclipse wouldn't have found me in the first place!

Helpless, all I can do is squeeze my eyes shut and cry, sobbing loudly as I'm forced to stand still like a statue. I can barely even move my head! "Damn it, damn it! Why can't anything ever be okay?! I just wanna have a happy life with Moon, Sun, Monty and the good-"

"Lunar! Oh, there you are!"

I startle at the shout coming from behind me, gasping loudly as my servos stall in their functions. Why did Eclipse come back?! And- and better yet, why does he sound so n... So nice-!

All of a sudden, my vision fills up with a bunch of orange and black, a pair of warm hands covered by gloves coming to rest on my shoulders. The relief of seeing him here overwhelms me, and I cry out, "Eclipse! P- Please, you have to help me!"

"Of course I will," The nice Eclipse says to me, his voice calm and filled with so much compassion for me. It's so comforting and it gives me so much strength... "Alright, tell me what happened. What did the other Eclipse do to you?"

"H- He put a bomb in my head," I croak out, watching his eyes widen in horror. "He's going to use me as a bartering chip to get the Newton Star from Monty!"

"That son of a bitch," Eclipse snarls, the angriest I've ever seen him for a split second before he forces it down. "Don't worry, I can fix this. Is it on the back of your head?"

"Yeah. But you really can? You're not just saying that?"

"I promise I can fix this," He murmurs, rounding to my back and investigating the bomb. "I may not be a psychopath, but I still have a decent grasp on how he thinks- not to mention that before he came here, he stopped by my world and I had the displeasure of meeting him. He's an idiot who only has the most basic understanding of how to use the Newton Star- there's no way he could wire a bomb that I can't defuse."

"He came to your world?! I- Is everyone okay?!"

"Yeah. He just came to try and get my world's Star, but he didn't even realize that each Newton Star can only work in its base dimension."

"Otherwise, the entire multiverse would have been ended by any version of Eclipse that did get the Star," I finish, shuddering at the horrible thought while Eclipse hums in affirmation.

"Luckily, he decided to monologue to himself about what his next move was without even trying to be subtle. I was able to overhear him talking about his plan to come after you."

"How did you get here, though? I thought Moon's teleporter was busted."

"It is, but I had the computer make me an interdimensional travel chip a little bit after we first met. I figured it'd come in handy. Now, try your best to hold still for me, I'm gonna detach the bomb but it might sting a bit."

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