14. Vision of the past

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I stood in a field of flowers. Looking up, seeing a clear blue sky.

There was cool breeze that made the flowers in the field dance. It was so refreshing, relaxing. Like out of a dream.

"Hey ***!" A voice spoke.

I turned behind me to see a girl running towards me waving.

It seemed as if time had stopped as I watched her run towards me. Her long hair flowed behind her as she ran. She held up a part of her long dress to make sure she didn't trip. Her laughter as she waved was beautiful. Like angel bells.

"Don't run! You'll trip!" Another voice spoke from behind me.

Before I could turn to see who it was, the person run pass me, towards the girl. It was a boy.

"What are you doing here?" The boy asked the girl. He carried a heavy expression.

"Well, for one I thought you were dead since it's been a while since I last saw you. It's nice to see you too." The girl said pushing some of her hair back behind her ear.

Such a simple movement, yet it looked so graceful when she did it.

"You shouldn't be here ***" The boy said.

"I wanted to see you. I- I missed you." The girl said looking away in embarrassment at what she just said. " Oh stars, you even make me say all these embarrassing things." She giggled.

The boy paused. I could see the blush on his face from what she said. For a second, the heavy expression on his face was replaced with a soft smile, but just as fast as it was replaced, the expression returned.

Oh what romance movie am I in?

The boy cleared his throat before speaking. "***, I missed you too. But you can't be here, not right now."

"Why not?" The girl asked not seeming to notice his mood.

The boy remained silent.

"Why don't we go to the garden. The fireflies are said to start glowing this night." She said excitement clear in her voice.

The boy still remained silent.

"And there's supposed to be a full moon tonight. I know it would be difficult for you, but I could use some of my magic to give you protection." She carried on happily explaining what seems to me like a date.

The boy didn't respond and that's when she noticed his heavy expression.

"***? Are you... okay?" She asked now concerned over the boy.

The boy averted his gaze to the floor.

The girl moved closer, she raised his chin up to look at her. "***?"

"I'm so sorry..."

Suddenly the gentle breeze became harsh. The clear blue sky had now been covered with dark grey clouds.

I sat straight up from my bed breathless.

I looked around to see where I was. Comforted only to see that I was still in my bedroom.

"Julie? Are you okay?" Novak asked from besides me.

"Yeah, just had a...weird dream."

"What was it about?"

I was about to explain but...I couldn't remember what I dreamt about.

You know that thing were you had a dream and right after waking up you forget everything that happened? That's what happened.

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