8. Why the sudden change?

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Hello reader

It's been a while (⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ
School started for me a week ago and I'm now overwhelmed with work. I won't update as frequently so please be patient with me.

Enjoy reading:)


Lucien's POV

I was on my way to the Dukedom to go meet with Julie as promised in the letter I sent her.

I have questions that I WILL ask her.

First is, why on earth would she want to annual our marriage? A marriage with ME? The Prince and future king! One moment she wouldn't stop obsessing over me, then the next, she wants to call off the marriage??

Second is, what was going on in her mind when she decided to slap me? ON MY BIRTHDAY.

She's VERY fortunate that I didn't kick her out from the ball right there and then. I could even throw her in a jail cell if I wanted.

And third is why the sudden change? Why is she acting so differently?

I mean did she hit her head that hard on the floor from the beast that almost killed her?
(A/N: refer to chapter 2 if you don't remember.)

"Your majesty, you seem troubled." Sebastian broken me out of my thoughts. We were sitting across from each other in the carriage.

I sighed, turning my head to look out of the window.

"Just wondering what on Earth happened to that girl." I said crossing my arms."

The silence from Sebastian got me to look at him. He only stared at me with a sly grin.


"It seems to me that you are now the one obsessed with Lady Bois your majesty." He let out a small laugh after saying that.

"Do I?"

"Well, since what happened at your birthday, you haven't talked about anything else besides her."

"I am not obsessed with her. I only wish to know why she suddenly has changed." I said a bit irritated.

"Right. Forgive me for speaking out of tone."

With that, the carriage stopped.

We had finally arrived into the Dukedom.



I was sited at a small round table. A cup of tea infront of me.

I was in a seculed area in the mansion. Julie sat across from the round table. We were completely alone.

I watched as she took a long, annoying sip of her tea, pinky out, eyes closed.

We've been sitting here in silence for a few minutes and I was getting impatient.

"How's your face?" She finally broke the silence with an odd question.

"Excuse me?"

"The slap."

"... It's fine." I replied.

"I'm sorry about that. But you kind of deserved it." She mattered that last part with the cup of tea over her mouth.

"Enough of this. May we please discuss the whole annual."

She looked at me with those blue eyes over the cup that covered her lower face. Then she put the cup down and cleared her throat.

"Yes. I want us to work together."

"On what?"

"We both know that the marriage wouldn't work out. Plus, the only reason we are even going to get married is because my family makes pretty powerful weapons, and your father wants access to those weapons. But that can't happen so marriage is the only way." She rested her head in the palm of her hand on the table before she continued.

"But marriage shouldn't be the only way. We don't have to get married. We just need to-"

"Is this a new way of getting me to fall in love with you?"

She frowned, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"What?" She asked.

"You heard me. I didn't only come here to speak about the annual. I want to talk about your whole change in personality."

"... Lucien. I'm afraid I don't understand-" I continued before she could finish.

"Why are you acting like this? Why are you suddenly different?"

She remained quiet for a few moments as if in thought before answering.

"I guess hitting my head when that Beast almost killed me has knocked some sense into me?" She chuckled after.

"Perhaps I'm being to forward with my whole plan. So let me start with something else." She said standing up from her seat.

"I don't want to be on bad terms with you. I know that I've done very stuipd things, but that was under the influence of my mother. I really don't want to act like that little spoiled brat who bullies everyone."

"I don't believe that's the only reason you're asking me for an annual."


"What?" I was confused by her answer.

"Against my mother. She wants me to get married, I well I won't."

Is this a phase? Shouldn't you be getting this phase in your teenage years?

"Listen, like I said, I don't want to be your enemy. I want to be allies."

I just stared.

"We both have something in common. We both want to rebel. I know you want to do that to your father."


"I also know you don't really want to get married. Especially to me."

"You got that right."

"See? So let's work together to get out of this marriage."

Working together to get out of a marriage set by our parents.

Rebelling against my father.

Becoming allies and having access to powerful weapons made by the Bois family.

"Let's do it."

"Oh come on, if we really work together- wait, did you say yes?"

"Yes. Let's do it.

A smile appeared on her face and she jumped up and down.

"You have no idea how long I've planned to try and convince you!"

"Right. But about this plan."

"Yes, we can't do anything right now because of how young we are, but I've already made a plan."


Don't know how I feel about this chapter.

I'll be explaining some of Julie's family history and what are these weapons that are being talked about.
Don't mind any spelling mistakes, please point them out and I'll fix them.

Hope you enjoy reading

See you soon:)


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