7. A familiar

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My eyes widened in disbelief. My mind struggled to comprehend what had just happened.

"A fly will fly into your mouth if you keep it wide open like that." The cat said.

I then realised I had my mouth open the whole time.

"Oh...my...a talking cat!!" I backed away from the window in complete shock.

"Wait- sheeesh! Young miss!" The cat jumped into my bedroom, making me start to panic.

"A. Talking. Cat?!" I backed away faster. But the cat followed me.

"Young miss-" The cat tried to say but I swag at it with an umbrella I managed to grab that was near me.

But strangely, the umbrella flew out of my hands and to the far side of my room.

"Young miss, please come down!"

I was backed up against the door, staring at the cat in complete horror.

Maybe I've lost my mind after being here for so long. Maybe it's just an hallucination.

"Yeah, definitely an hallucination. HAHAHA!" I laughed nervously, trying to convince myself that this wasn't happening.

"I am very much real, young miss." The cat said.

I slowly dropped to the floor, still against the door. The cat then stood right infront of me.

"There's no need for you to panic young miss. I will not hurt you." The cat said.

I just stared. I always thought that if I ever met a talking animal, I wouldn't panic. I mean, I played video games where animals could speak. I also didn't understand why characters would freak out in the game. But I do now.

This was completely freaky!

"Young miss, please. Do not be afraid of me." The cat spoke.

"Eh- n- no! I'm not afraid!.... Just.... surprised is all...." I was a terrible liar.

"... Would it be better if we speak while I am in human form?"

"Huh-" Before I could finish, a bright light surrounded the cat's body.

I closed my eyes due to how bring it was.

It was silent for a moment till a voice spoke.

"Young miss?"

I slowly opened my eyes to see a boy, who was inches away from my face!

He had curly black hair that was all over the place. His eyes were a lovely shade of green. My room was poorly lit, but I could still see his flawless tanned skin. He was literally glowing.

"I see in this form, you are much more relaxed." He said snapping me back to reality.

"I- Who are you?" I managed to ask.

"I'm still the cat from before, this is just my human form." He said.  I noticed a slight British accent from him.

When I remained silent, he continued.

"I apologize for startling you. I mean no hurt. I'm just here to thank you for helping me earlier today."

What- oh. He meant when I helped stop the bleeding.

"Y-you're welcome..."

It was then I realised he was still inches away from my face. He must have realised too, so he backed away.

I looked to the far side of my room, to the umbrella that had flew out of my hands.

"Oh I'm sorry. You were going to end up hurting yourself with it so I tossed it that way." The boy said.

Reincarnated as the Villainess: The last ending.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum