13. SPECIAL the Duke's son

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"Congratulations Ben. You've got your magic type. And at this age, it is surprising." The voice of my teacher spoke in my head.

"Earth. Common, but a very powerful type. You are very lucky Ben."

Finally. Something I can work with besides swords.

I can't believe I got my magic this early. Usually a child would get it around the age of 12 to 14, but I have it at 9. Only a few years early.

"Ben?" The voice of my father came from the door.

It's only been a few hours since I got back from the training school.

Father walked into my room, closing the door behind him.

"How have you been son?" He asked.

"... I've been fine, father."

We just stared at each other for good 2 minutes before he cleared this throat and continued.

"I heard from your instructor from your school that you had been doing exceptionally well. True?"

Of course I've been doing well.
"Yes. I have."

"...Ben look. I... apologize. I truely wanted the best for you. For you to atleast get a head start for becoming a duke."

Father had been the one to send me away to that school with no warning. I never wanted to go. I would have never gone there if it wasn't for him.

"It's fine." I said knowing well it wasn't. He doesn't know what that school was like. They treated me as if I was a middle aged man with the durability of a Rhino. But I was only 9.

I went through hours of sword training. Studying politics, perfecting my English, my manners and alot more in cruel ways.

I had little to no sleep. Even if I did, it would only be for atleast 2 hours tops. I'm surprised I'm even still standing right now. Even more that it seems Father hasn't noticed how tired I am.

I might look okay, but my body is full of scares and buries from the sword training. They had no marcy, letting us train with experts.

I wanted to say all this to him. And tell him how angry I was for him, my own father, to send me off to this place at my age. To send me off with no warning at all.

But that's fine.

I gained a lot more skills there that I benefit from.

"Thank you for checking on me father. If you don't mind, I'd like to rest now. Since we already ate, I don't see why I should still be up."

Father observed me for a few seconds before nodding.

"Alright." He said turning to walk to the door.

"Goodnight Ben." Was the last thing he said before walking out of my room, closing the door behind him.

I was tired, yes. But I didn't plan on going to sleep yet. I wanted to speak to Julie.

Since I'd gotten back she seemed off. By that I mean not a total brat to me.

I was already by her bedroom door, knocking three times, but she didn't answer.

I opened the door myself. Stepping in, I found her sitting by the window, back facing me.

It would be so easy to kill her right now.

I made as much noise with my footsteps but she didn't seem to hear me at all.

I stood right behind her now.

"Julie." I said. She jumped up from her sit, spinning around to look at me.

"Oh!- you scared me, haha..."

Something was odd. She seemed different. Her whole appears was different aswell.

"Hm, do I have something on my face?" She asked.

"No."I said crossing my arms.

We went on discussing something about her eyes. I just made it up to see what she would do, but her eyes did seem different in colour.

"Maybe you're looking at my eyes wrong."

"I'm never wrong Julie."

"You're wrong right there."

"You must have hit your head pretty hard then."

I had taken her sit by the window. She went to take another chair and placed it next to mine.

While watching the sun set, it's when I came up with an idea.

"You aren't Julie, aren't you?" I asked.

I sensed her freeze in her sit next to me, which had me turn my head fully to her.


"Are you really my sister?" I asked now a bit amused by her reaction to my questions.

She simply stared at me, her mouth open ready for a fly to fly in.

The Julie I know would have thrown the hardest insults, but she hasn't really said anything mean to me yet. Perhaps her experiencing a near death experience has changed her rude behaviour.

"I'm only kidding Julie." I said. She probably isn't saying anything cause she doesn't want to admit she has changed.

"Haha... funny." She laughed awkwardly.

I stood up from my sit, heading to the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Julie." I said before walking out of her bedroom, closing the door behind me and heading back to my room.

Maybe that accident was a good thing?


Hello reader

It's been a while huh?
Good news, school has closed for a few days for me so I have a lot of time to work on this book.

Firstly I feel like this chapter is completely useless but idk🤷

This book will probably be one of those I'll read in the future and see how cringe everything is.

It's about time I start with the actually drama.

Don't mind any spelling errors, they will be fixed later on.

See you soon;)

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