Chapter Thirty One. Lovebirds

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Lake Larson

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Lake Larson

My giggles reflected from the tables and mixed with the surrounding murmurs. The smell of cotton candy and chocolate filled my nose. I looked up at the line for the concessions and saw Ian already watching me. He smiled, prompting me to mirror his expression, feeding off his energy.

I closed the distance between us, and he grabbed my wrist, playing with his soft hands over my skin. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." I looked into his hazel eyes with a spark and pulled my hand away when I noticed Alex watching our hands. "It will be fine," I said to her.

Alex pulled at her hair. "No, it is not fine!" she yelled, covering her lips when others glanced at her. "He is an asshole," she whispered, leaning closer to me.

Ian chuckled. "I understand ex-boyfriends are a piece of work, but man, you truly hate him." He tilted his head, eyeing her. "Why?"

She raised a brow, pointing at him. "Lake didn't tell you?"

I stepped as the line moved closer to the front of the concessions. "Yeah, maybe a story for another time."

Ian shook his head, knowing I would give him a lot of pain before telling. "Promise?" He licked his bottom lip, bending his face close to mine.

"Yes," I whispered, while his lips stretched to a smile.

A low whistle had me jumping from him. "Okay, lovebirds, we are next in line," Alex said, pulling on my arm.

Alex laughed, forcing me to the counter. She placed her palms flat on the wood panel, flipping her wild hair, being the extra person she was. An older lady with her grey hair in a high ponytail tapped her long fingernails on the counter with a cigarette smell floating around her.

"What can I get you two?" she asked, smiling with her yellow smoker's teeth.

Alex held up two fingers. "Two hot cocoas, please."

"Is that it?"

Alex nodded in response as I stepped to the side, knowing the pickup window to the right. The older lady pointed with her pen at Alex and waved to the next person in line.

Another worker dropped our drinks at the window in no time. We cupped the warmth in our palms, feeling the steam on our cheeks. Nothing beats the feeling of hot cocoa in your stiff hands.

I followed Alex to a bench, glancing around to find where Ian disappeared. We sat with our drinks and skates crossed over one another. A young kid with pigtails ran by us with her friend toward the candy counters where Alice worked.

I nudged Alex, nodding toward Alice as teenagers flirt with her on the other side of the counter. Alex shook her head with a soft giggle. Setting my drink on the bench, I bent over, untying my skates.

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