Chapter Eight. The Blue Zoo

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Lake Larson

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Lake Larson

The leaves froze to the grass as I rushed on the path back to my dorm room. Ian disappeared and hadn't joined me on my walk. I raced up the stairs, quickly changing into my work uniform.

I parked my car on the side of the road, only being used when I would leave the campus. The old vehicle puttered down the highway to Spokane, missing the busy traffic. Cars sped by me as I used the off-ramp, driving down the main road of the large city. The Northtown Mall held a tiny aquarium, making parking easy with the empty lot.

As I entered The Blue Zoo, my favorite co-worker greeted me with a wave as she assisted a customer. She braided her grey hair down the back, touching her belt. A water stain soaked the front of her shirt from her shift.

"Hey there, Annie. How is Dakota doing today?" I walked toward her as she picked up a bucket.

"Lake," her voice cracked. "I am so happy you arrived early today," she said as I took the bucket from her. "Dakota is doing alright." She frowned at me. "Not happy with any of the food today," Annie huffed.

"I don't blame her. Where did you want me to start today?" I asked, while following her to the employee's area only.

"Well, some tanks are filthy, but Ryan didn't show up today," she said, bringing her braid to the front over her shoulder. "Would you be able to get into your gear and clean the shark tank?" she asked, grabbing the bucket from my palms and dumping it down a floor drain into the waste area.

"Yes," I replied, turning to my locker. "Does this mean I'm closing alone tonight?"

"Sorry, honey, but yes," she replied, giving me a sad look. "I would stay with you, but Robby's got an appointment."

I opened my locker, pulling my scuba gear from the hook. Annie followed me into the shower changing area. The water soaked the tile floors from the group of employees before us. With the coed lockers, the changing stalls were private with showers.

"It's okay," I said to Annie.

"I'll see you up front." Annie left while I entered a stall.

I hooked my gear onto the wall, changing out of my clothes fast. My black and sea foam green scuba suit fit tight along my body. The flexible material made it easy to move and swim in narrow places. It even had plush material on the inside to help keep me warmer.

"Hey, Lake," I hear a sweet voice with splattering water.

I stepped out of the stall, seeing little Ashley standing with a fake orange tail and matching shell top. Her hair curled over her shoulders while the neon makeup mirrored her mermaid outfit.

"Hey Ash, you off now?" I asked her, slightly stepping to the exit.

"Yes," she replied with her arms behind her back, trying to unhook the shell top. "Thank goodness, too. Some kid threw stingray food at me today."

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