'Wait...he isn't going to do what I think he's going to do...is he?' Gwen thought, as a stray thought entered her mind, as she stared at the one and only, Bruce Wayne, who was also a certain Bat in secret.

"Gwen, this is Bruce Wayne. He's a friend of the man who helped with your documents, and he's here to..." Gordon stopped as Bruce held his hand up and spoke "I'm here to adopt you" The man said rather bluntly.

Gwen looked between the two with a sigh "I probably should say yes, shouldn't I?" Gordon nodded. "Well...uh, I guess I'm okay with that. But! I won't call you dad...not yet at least" Bruce nodded in acceptance at this, letting a small smile grace his normally apathetic features.

"So uh...how exactly do I do this?" Gwen asked, not really knowing what to do right now. This was totally after the left field, and it didn't help that Bruce was incredibly blunt about it. "I've already taken care of all of the paperwork. All you need to do is sign this" Bruce said, pulling out a paper and handing it to Gwen.

Looking at the paper, Gwen looked over ever word of it, before sighing and signing it. "Well...what now?"

Bruce allowed a smile to make it's way onto his face at this "I bring you to your new home"

[A little later]

Sitting in Bruce's luxury car, next to the man, Gwen sat in awkward silence for what was about to be ten minutes. After signing the paper, the two had left the police department a little later, but not before Gwen gave Gordon a thankful hug.

Getting sick of the awkward silence, Gwen decided to be blunt "So...why adopt me? You barely know me besides the whole Asylum thing" Immediately after saying these words, Bruce tensed before calming himself "How'd you figure it out? No one has done it so quickly"

"You have the same height and hair color, and your voice is practically the same. Your physique is the same as well. Not to mention, why would a billionaire randomly come and adopt some nobody that didn't exist until now?" Gwen explained, causing Bruce to nod along.

"I underestimated you...I adopted you due to my instincts" Bruce said truthfully. Causing Gwen to deadpan at the man for what felt like the thousandth time "Instincts?"

"I trust my instincts in regard to people, and my instincts told me that it would be a mistake to not help you. To not help you take advantage of that potential of yours. Plus...I've always wanted a daughter" Bruce finished with a small smile.

"You...you just smiled again!" Gwen said, shocked. Bruce's smile disappeared at that, causing her to giggle slightly "Sorry, Bruce...and thank you, really" She said, causing the man to turn to her for a moment before nodding.

"My friends at the League would be troublesome if I didn't help you in some way" Gwen smiled at this one.

"So...does this mean I've got a little brother too? I saw a newspaper clipping of you and your student, Robin, right?" Gwen asked, keeping her act of not knowing, up.

Bruce nodded "You'll meet him when we get home. He doesn't know about you, so don't be surprised" "And why didn't you tell him"

"I wanted to surprise him, he may not say it, but I'm certain he's always wanted a sibling" Bruce said, causing Gwen to grin. She didn't have siblings in her past life...or really a family for that matter, so having a little brother, and father, was something she was going to have to get used to...but she wasn't opposed to it.

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