Chapter Thirty Three.

Start from the beginning

"Here, a rose for my beautiful rose." Taehyung mumbled as he pushed the flower towards Jeongguk as the said boy kept staring at it.

Taehyung's eyes scanned the adorable outfit of his entire universe. The boy had a simple lavender hoodie on with his hair brushed up messily yet those locks fell right on his gorgeous face and enhanced his beauty ten fold. His meaty thighs were hugged by faded blue jeans and even though the man was almost of his own height, he looked insanely adorable and squishy. Taehyung wanted nothing but to plunge forward and grab him by those muscled thighs and pick him up and bring him back to his own room and cuddle him till both were out of breath.

Jeongguk felt in a daze and he felt worried because can his baby hear how loud his heart is beating right now?
Funny how Taehyung thought of the same thing too.

His heart could beat off his chest and his cheeks tinted pink as he stared at the beautiful flower right in front of him. He felt his fingers getting sweaty as well as shivery just by the small action of his baby.

For God's sake, he is a mafia yet this small gesture by his baby is making him feel all jittery but maybe that's the point, he feels this way because it's not someone else, it's his baby.

Before he could stop his giddiness and literally cradle the flower into his hold, he heard how his background and the random noises coming from the dining table went absolutely silent.

Taehyung noticed it too. And he also noticed how Jeongguk was taking so much time before even accepting the flower.

Poor him didn't even understand that Jeongguk felt nervous to accept the flower due to his own feelings and not because others were by now already watching them so Taehyung did what he does best. Saving his world from every unwanted problem.

Taehyung turned around with the flower in his hold and clasped it more tightly as he saw five pairs of confused eyes staring at him. Each held some questions in them. But nothing they were thinking of, unfortunately both were unaware of it.

"Why are you guys staring at me like that? Don't worry, I'm not asking Jeongguk hyung on a date or something." Taehyung felt the words feel heavy on his tongue while he gave the explanation out even though he laughed a little as Jeongguk standing right behind him felt as if his entire being felt too heavy for his existence.

The others felt their eyes drop from the stare as they guiltily looked away. They didn't want this explanation. They wouldn't even mind if they went on a date but guess they're already been misunderstood.

"Last night, we both communicated and decided that bygones should be bygones and honestly just because of a single person-me-things are being awkward in the Jeon household and please we were and are anything but that. So I am starting anew." Taehyung explained with a big smile on his face which oddly seemed genuine.

The others didn't even want to look at him because they didn't want this. They didn't want their youngest to sacrifice something so big. But it's already too late, it seems and only they are to be blamed.

"We wouldn't mind if you would've asked him on a date.." Jin's voice made everyone stare at him with surprised looks. He was the only one against them but it seems like Taehyung's emotions moved him at last.

"Of course my gorgeous and handsome Jinnie. You guys have always given me what I wanted, always wanted the best for me. But this time it's not a thing, it's a person and that's where you should draw a line. So, it's time, I think about you guys too, especially for my Boba. That's why I am going to keep everything that happened in the past as a long forgotten memory and you guys do so too, okay?" Taehyung said as he laughed out heartily.

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