Chapter One.

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S-Stop—p-please—stop—spare me…I am s-sorry..

Weeps, shrill screams and pants resonated throughout the entire dim lit room that looked worn out and creepy.

S-Stop p-please, just—just kill me b-but j-just s-stop this torture.” A man almost in his late forties screamed as he was held down on his knees, his head pushed down and his hands tied up with his legs together at the back of his limp body.

“Keep your filthy voice down if you want to die a little easier.” The man who held the man by his hair spoke up annoyed by the constant shrill screams.

Just k-kill me, w-why don’t y-you just kill me? W-Why are y-you torturing m-me?” The man spoke up.

“Oh, so he still has his voice huh? ARE YOU GUYS EVEN DOING YOUR JOB?” A bold, heavy yet beautiful voice roared throughout the room indicating that his presence must be appreciated.



The whole room echoed the voice loud and clear as the others evidently gulped and dropped their heads down in shame.

W-Why—Leave m-me..” The old man tried as a single slap silenced him completely as he lost his balance and fell on the ground.

“Why? You’re asking why? Oh my little oh so innocent soul. He doesn’t know why he is here so it’s my duty to enlighten him as to why he deserves what he is getting, hm?” The beautiful voice hummed and then laughed with pure evil and humour to it.


“Let’s rewind a bit, the words that are leaving your mouth, hm, aren’t they too familiar to you?” The sinister evil voice spoke up with a mocking laugh.


“DON’T YOU DARE LIE! Listen to me first before I finally get rid of your tongue for good.”

“Three nights back, a young girl repeated the same words to you, kept pleading, crying and what did you do then? You enjoyed her cries, her tears because you’re a sadist huh? Well, that’s why I decided to be a sadist too. Enjoy till it lasts because when I have my hands on you, you’re going to regret being born.” The voice spilled through gritted teeth and yanked the older man’s head by gripping his hair, harshly.

N-No spare me, I-I would d-do anyt—”

“Oh? Spare you? But did you spare her? Did you? No. You didn’t. You raped her, uncountable times and then strangled her throat till she felt her soul leave her body and you monster didn’t stop there. You cut her limbs, smashed her face multiple times so that no one could recognise her and threw her body into the Han river—”

“— and you’re asking me to spare your life? Hm, should I?” The beautiful voice asked in a baby voice and then pouted as he looked towards the boys’ standing with weapons in their hands around the room.

“Boys! What do you guys suggest? Should I spare him, hm?” The voice asked with a suggestive tone.

YES..” the older man screamed whereas everyone else kept quiet.

“Well sorry boys, I love you all but he doesn’t live on my watch especially after screaming like this in front of me without my permission. Gosh, his voice is so annoying.” Just as the words left his mouth, two bullets were fired as well and a few gasps resonated in the room. Not gasps of shocks or surprise but gasps of relief.

No. Maybe? Yes! (TAEKOOK) Where stories live. Discover now