Chapter Ten.

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If you ask Jeon Seokjin what fear means, he will probably tell you it's something which he doesn't have. He doesn't fear anything or anyone. People fear him which includes his family members as well.

But when he looked up to see who had woken up and came down the stairs, he didn't exactly feel fear yet he was anxious because he knew he had to hear an earful because the main culprit will be excused due to his cuteness.

"Why are you out of bed so late at night?" Jeongguk's stern voice made the three of them in the dining room stiff in their places a bit.

"T-Traw mwilk?" Taetae mumbled a little as he gulped down the very little milk that was already present in his mouth.

"And you think drinking strawberry milk in the middle of the night is a good thing because?" Jeongguk continued being stern as he ignored the other two people in the room who were giving each other nervous glances.

"T-Taetae likey." Taetae replied with a big pout on his lips.

"If you like it so much, drink it during the day or evening, but not at night." Jeongguk replied with glaring eyes as Taetae's pout deepened.

By the time Jeongguk was scolding Taetae, he even reached near him. He stood next to him as Taetae looked downward towards the table.

"Guk-ah! Baby. Let it slide for this one time. And if you really want to scold someone, it should be me as I allowed him." Namjoon spoke up as Jin glanced at him to do so.

"Namjoon hyung, you know I won't ever scold you but you shouldn't allow him to drink strawberry milk at night because he is just getting better. I don't want him to feel troubled. Once he is healthy and well, he can eat and drink whatever he wants, whenever he wants, no one will stop him." Jeongguk replied as Namjoon nodded his head. He couldn't disagree after all, the boy is correct.

"And here he tried to blackmail me with your name." Jin snorted as Jeongguk glared at him directly.

"He is a child, hyung. He doesn't understand things. Namjoon hyung is also a big child, he also doesn't understand things but I thought you did? Why did you allow this?" Jeongguk glared some more when he felt a small tug on his T-shirt sleeve around his wrist.

Namjoon shook his head because he just got called a child even by a teen. For God sake, he is a dad now, officially. That too the father of the one he is being compared to being childish with.

"No scwold Jinjin, Boba." Taetae mumbled as Jeongguk finally stopped glaring.

"This should be the last time, Jin hyung. Once he becomes healthier, you all can pamper him as much as you want." Jeongguk said sternly as he again felt a tug on his sleeve.

"Yes, our dear Sajangnim." Jin replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Boba slweep?" Taetae asked as Jeongguk sighed.

"How could I sleep when  I woke up and saw you were not in bed? You think I would be happy to see you're nowhere in the room?" Jeongguk asked as Taetae suddenly giggled.

"Now why are you laughing? I am scolding you right now." Jeongguk grumbled out as Taetae giggled some more.

"Jinjin, Jiji show Taetae a gwame angy bwird." Taetae said as he looked towards Jin, who was already biting his lips, holding back his laugh while Namjoon tried to understand what's exactly going on.

Jeongguk squinted his eyes and threw a confused glance towards Taetae.

"Boba angy bwird. Red red." Taetae spoke and burst out laughing as Jeongguk shook his head, rolling his eyes watching both Jin and Namjoon giggling too.

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