"Sister-in-law? After I go to work, are the people in the law firm going to call you sister-in-law?"

  To see who was more ruthless, when one of his men called him sister-in-law, he asked everyone in the law firm to call him sister-in-law.

  "That's not okay. Men should be called men. I don't want to listen to women's whining."

  Su Mo snorted, knowing that you still said it.

  "Let's go and have a look. You are still afraid of looking, but you can't understand it. Bai Hua can praise you like nothing in the sky or on the earth."

  Su Mo paused.

  "How many of your people are in charge of things? Xiao Jiang, will you go too?"

  "He is the leader of the dance hall and belongs to the management level. You don't have to watch it, but everyone in the venue needs to meet him."

  Xing Biao was so careless that he didn't think there was any special meaning in these words. There were many people going, not just Xiao Jiang.

  "Okay, I'll go."

  He said he was indifferent, but he still wanted to see the boy who shouted that he didn't want you and I wanted you. What kind of boy is he so devoted to Xing Biao?

  Oops, my sister-in-law is so proud of her, and this group of people are all curious about Lawyer Su, who is so fascinated by Bai Hua. What kind of person is he that can make his eldest brother so fascinated? They put aside everything and came to watch Lawyer Su, the future sister-in-law.

  Xing Biao happily booked a private room in the hotel with a big bag, and people from a bodyguard company, a bar, and a dance hall under his name came.

  Everyone gathered around Bai Hua and asked what kind of person Lawyer Su was. Bai Hua couldn't explain clearly. He just said that you should see for yourselves when the time comes. A master who is absolutely untouchable.

  Xiao Jiang was defeated by Su Mo once. This time, he was a little bit comparative. He was a good-looking and handsome boy, so why did his elder brother look down on him? Then Lawyer Su can still be like Pan An.

  Hearing that he was meeting with Lawyer Su today, Xiao Jiang deliberately dressed up, wearing light-colored tight-leg jeans and a white close-fitting suit. He looked clean and fresh.

  Youth is capital. After all, he is younger than Lawyer Su.

  Everyone understood Xiao Jiang's thoughts. Bai Hua shook his head at him. This child's brain lacked calcium.

  Xing Biao opened the door, and Su Mo stood at the door. There were more than a dozen people in the room, and they all looked like handsome men like Bai Hua, there were also handsome boys, and there was also a timid one with big glasses. Most of the boys are muscular men with a somewhat fierce look on their faces. Holding beer glasses, chatting happily together.

  They stood at the door, Xing Biao standing proudly next to Su Mo.

  "This is my wife, Su Mo. You call her Lawyer Su."

  Su Mo nodded to everyone in the room. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, which was considered a smile.

  "Hello everyone, I am Xing Biao's husband, Su Mo."

  Sir, this word is rarely used, but this title is much higher than that of wife, husband, and wife. Different grades.

  Gentle and polite, seems kind, but definitely not intimate.

  Xing Biao pushed Su Mo and walked in. Su Mo felt that his legs and feet were healed, which was really good. At least these people were looking at him, and no one would look at him strangely.

  Whenever you pass someone, you will nod slightly. It's like saying hello.

  For example, when the boss of a certain company takes office, or holds a press conference, he is watched and walks calmly and calmly to the stage.

  This calm momentum made the group of people who were laughing and yelling stop talking and looked at Su Mo quietly.

  The protagonist of this banquet was Su Mo. Su Mo stood in the main seat and saw everyone.

  "Everyone, take a seat."

  Damn it, why does it feel like the emperor is meeting ministers in the north study?

  He turned his head slightly and smiled at Xing Biao.

  "Since he is your brother, he is also my friend. Let me introduce him. From now on, we will be a matter of life and death."

  This sentence gave enough face to Xing Biao, and Su Mo gave all of Xing Biao's face. You have to give a man face when you are outside. This is respect. Niubi cooed.

  "Bai Hua, you know him. He works as the deputy manager of a bodyguard company. He is very skilled and manages well. He has been in love with me for ten years. My dead brother. When I was away, he was responsible for all matters big and small. Call the shots."

  Bai Hua had suffered from Su Mo and was respectful.

  "Lawyer Su, you have been called upon to show up. We are all anxious for you to show up."

  "Is that little boy still in a relationship with you?"

  Bai Hua immediately recalled the scene of Su Mo catching him from his mischief. Those with rough skin and thick flesh will also blush.

  "Lawyer Su, don't mention that problem."

  "You have a good assistant."

  Su Mo smiled lightly at Xing Biao.

  "When we had no money, we both dug around in our pockets and found five yuan to buy a bottle of beer and drink together."

  "Sharing adversity and wealth together, we are not called brothers for nothing. Bai Hua, thank you for helping him over the years."

  "Lawyer Su, you make me feel embarrassed when you say that. That's right, he is my eldest brother and will be my eldest brother forever."

  "It's a little stutter."

  Xing Biao picked out a boy from the corner. The boy with big glasses was timid and his face turned red before he could speak.

  "He is in charge of the finance office. This kid has never been willing to interact with many people. He stutters when there are many people. In fact, his real name is Yang Jie, and they call him Little Stutterer."

  Su Mo knew very well that for any college student who committed economic crimes, he thought he would be a smiling tiger, but he did not expect that he would be a little white rabbit.

  "Su, Su, Lawyer Su."

  Little Stutter pushed up his glasses, not daring to look at Su Mo.

  Su Mo nodded. Before he could say anything, he turned around and got into the corner.

  "Am I scary?"

  Su Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  "No, no, it's just, I feel like I'm back in the interrogation room."

  Little Stutter waved his hands anxiously, pouting, and told the truth. Su Mo's eyes were staring straight at the person. Although he was smiling, his eyes were full of scrutiny. This pressure made Little Stutter unbearable and ran away.

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