Seokjin can feel his mate's apprehension. "Don't worry Joon, our son and Jungwon's son will mate. We're going to make sure of that so none of the seer's bad omen will happen."

Namjoon takes a deep breath. "I hope so, Jin. Our son's happiness is my priority. I don't care about all this wealth, I just want our son to be healthy and happy. I can live without all these luxuries but I can't live without our son."

"Same goes for me, Joon. I will die if we lose our son." Seokjin hugged his mate tightly. They're going to pamper their son when he's born. They will make sure he is well-loved and taken care of like a delicate flower.

Seokjin and Namjoon met in college because of  Seokjin's classmate, Yujin. Yujin and Namjoon have best friends since high school, but unknown to the alpha, Yujin is deeply in love with him.

One day, Yujin heard Namjoon talking to one of his alpha friends, telling him that he's planning to court Jin. Yujin was overjoyed, finally Namjoon will confess his love for her and they will mate. But her happiness was short-lived because the following week, Namjoon and Jin announced that they are in love and are already boyfriends. Yujin was devastated, the Jin Namjoon loves and wants to mate is Seokjin and not her.

Yujin had to witness their love blossom everyday. Yes, she's very jealous, that should have been her and not Seokjin. She has loved Namjoon the very first time she laid her eyes on the alpha. Then why did he choose Seokjin, who he just met a few months ago? What does Seokjin have that she doesn't? Yujin curses herself for introducing the two. But no, she won't back down, Namjoon is hers and she'll do everything to have him. She will be Namjoon's mate.

Yujin stayed close to the couples, pretending that she's fine with their relationship but waiting for the chance to strike and snatch Namjoon from Seokjin.

Then it happened, that one chance Yujin was waiting for. There will be a graduation ball at their college. Seokjin was not feeling well and decided not to attend. Namjoon wanted to skip too and stayed with Seokjin in his apartment to take care of him, but Seokjin told him that he needed to be there because he was one of the organizing officers. Namjoon relented but asked Seokjin to call him if his sickness worsens. Seokjin agreed and told Yujin to keep an eye on Namjoon because he knows a lot of students have a crush on his alpha. But Seokjin was totally unaware that the snake who would try to get between them was disguising herself as the caring best friend. Yujin hid a smirk because tonight she is going to be Namjoon's mate, she'll make sure of that.

The graduation party was in full swing. Yujin spiked Namjoon's drink. The clueless alpha accepted the drink from her and downed it in one go. After a few minutes, the alpha suddenly felt hot. He was confused because it was only his second glass and he's not a lightweight drinker. He approached Yujin and told her that he's going home. Yujin said that she's coming with him, Namjoon wanted to reject her offer as he can feel that he's already getting horny. The drug was taking its effect and started to cloud his mind with lust. Yujin insisted as she guided Namjoon outside.

They were waiting for the cab. Namjoon was sweating already. His crotch was already painful. His wolf wanted to release its knot. And Yujin had an evil grin as she could already smell Namjoon's arousal. He was eager to mate, the drug had taken its effect.

When the cab arrived, Namjoon hastily got inside. Yujin was about to enter too, but her phone rang. She took the call, it's her troublesome twin brother, Hojin. "What is it now, oppa? I'm busy. What?! You're in the police station. What did you do now?!"

Namjoon got impatient, he was hard and hurting, so he told the cab driver to start the cab and gave him Seokjin's address leaving Yujin who was still talking to her brother.

When Yujin ended the call and turned, she pulled her hair in frustration, the cab already left. She just lost her chance to make Namjoon hers. She cursed her brother for messing up and calling her at the wrong time. Now, she has to wait again for another chance to have Namjoon.

Yujin's world crushed in front of her eyes because the following day, Namjoon and Seokjin told her that they are now mated. The second chance Yujin was hoping for will not happen anymore because Namjoon already marked Seokjin.

Yujin cried to her twin, blaming him for what happened

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Yujin cried to her twin, blaming him for what happened. Hojin felt guilty that he had ruined his sister's happiness and promised her that in the future, he'll do anything his sister will ask of him.

Yujin distanced herself from Namjoon and Seokjin while secretly keeping tabs on them. Hojin noticed the change in his twin's behavior. After her graduation instead of finding a job, she started to ruin herself by drinking and hooking up with different alphas.

A year after Namjoon and Seokjin mated, they got married. Yujin broke down again. Hojin felt helpless, he didn't know how to comfort his sister. Then, one day they found out that Yujin was pregnant and she had no idea who the father was. That same day, while stalking Seokjin's social media account, Yujin learned that Seokjin was also pregnant. A devious scheme formed in her head.


We had a flashback of Namjin's love story. We also met the evil character who plans on ruining their happy life.📿

So It's You |Taekook|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora